aerospike_helpers.cdt_ctx module


Requires server version >= 4.6.0

Helper functions to generate complex data type context (cdt_ctx) objects for use with operations on nested CDTs (list, map, etc).


from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
from aerospike_helpers import cdt_ctx
from aerospike_helpers.operations import map_operations
from aerospike_helpers.operations import list_operations
import sys

# Configure the client.
config = {"hosts": [("", 3000)]}

# Create a client and connect it to the cluster.
    client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
except ex.ClientError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

key = ("test", "demo", "foo")
nested_list = [{"name": "John", "id": 100}, {"name": "Bill", "id": 200}]
nested_list_bin_name = "nested_list"

# Write the record.
    client.put(key, {nested_list_bin_name: nested_list})
except ex.RecordError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

# EXAMPLE 1: read a value from the map nested at list index 1.
    ctx = [cdt_ctx.cdt_ctx_list_index(1)]

    ops = [
            nested_list_bin_name, "id", aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE, ctx

    _, _, result = client.operate(key, ops)
    print("EXAMPLE 1, id is: ", result)
except ex.ClientError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

# EXAMPLE 2: write a new nested map at list index 2 and get the value at its 'name' key.
# NOTE: The map is appened to the list, then the value is read using the ctx.
    new_map = {"name": "Cindy", "id": 300}

    ctx = [cdt_ctx.cdt_ctx_list_index(2)]

    ops = [
        list_operations.list_append(nested_list_bin_name, new_map),
            nested_list_bin_name, "name", aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE, ctx

    _, _, result = client.operate(key, ops)
    print("EXAMPLE 2, name is: ", result)
except ex.ClientError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

# Cleanup and close the connection to the Aerospike cluster.

EXAMPLE 1, id is:  {'nested_list': 200}
EXAMPLE 2, name is:  {'nested_list': 'Cindy'}

Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

The cdt_ctx object is initialized to lookup an object in a list by index. If the index is negative, the lookup starts backwards from the end of the list. If it is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned.

Parameters:index (int) – The index to look for in the list.
Returns:A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.
aerospike_helpers.cdt_ctx.cdt_ctx_list_index_create(index: int, order: int = <MagicMock id='140171718694032'>, pad: bool = False) → aerospike_helpers.cdt_ctx._cdt_ctx

Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

Create a list with the given sort order at the given index.

  • key (object) – The index to create the list at.
  • order (int) – The sort order to create the list with. One of list sort orders. Default == aerospike.LIST_UNORDERED
  • pad (Bool) – If index is out of bounds and pad is True, the list will be created at index and empty list elements inserted behind it. Pad is only compatible with unordered lists.

A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.


Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

The cdt_ctx object is initialized to lookup an object in a list by rank. If the rank is negative, the lookup starts backwards from the largest rank value.

Parameters:rank (int) – The rank to look for in the list.
Returns:A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.

Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

The cdt_ctx object is initialized to lookup an object in a list by value.

Parameters:value (object) – The value to look for in the list.
Returns:A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.

Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

The cdt_ctx object is initialized to lookup an object in a map by index. If the index is negative, the lookup starts backwards from the end of the map. If it is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned.

Parameters:index (int) – The index to look for in the map.
Returns:A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.

Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

The cdt_ctx object is initialized to lookup an object in a map by key.

Parameters:key (object) – The key to look for in the map.
Returns:A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.
aerospike_helpers.cdt_ctx.cdt_ctx_map_key_create(key: any, order: int = <MagicMock id='140171718272272'>) → aerospike_helpers.cdt_ctx._cdt_ctx

Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

Create a map with the given sort order at the given key.

  • key (object) – The key to create the map at.
  • order (int) – The sort order to create the map with. One of the aerospike map sort orders. Default == aerospike.MAP_UNORDERED

A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.


Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

The cdt_ctx object is initialized to lookup an object in a map by index. If the rank is negative, the lookup starts backwards from the largest rank value.

Parameters:rank (int) – The rank to look for in the map.
Returns:A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.

Creates a nested cdt_ctx object for use with list or map operations.

The cdt_ctx object is initialized to lookup an object in a map by value.

Parameters:value (object) – The value to look for in the map.
Returns:A cdt_ctx object, a list of these is usable with list and map operations.