aerospike.predicates — Query Predicates

These methods are secondary index filters that can be applied to the aerospike.Query class.

Bin Predicates

aerospike.predicates.between(bin, min, max)

Represent a bin BETWEEN min AND max predicate.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • min (int) – the minimum value to be matched with the between operator.

  • max (int) – the maximum value to be matched with the between operator.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().

import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)
query = client.query('test', 'demo')
query.where(p.between('age', 20, 30))
res = query.results()
aerospike.predicates.equals(bin, val)

Represent a bin = val predicate.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • val (str or int) – the value to be matched with an equals operator.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().

import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)
query = client.query('test', 'demo')
query.where(p.equals('name', 'that guy'))
res = query.results()

GeoJSON Predicates

aerospike.predicates.geo_within_geojson_region(bin, shape[, index_type])

Predicate for finding any point in bin which is within the given shape. Requires a geo2dsphere index (index_geo2dsphere_create()) over a bin containing GeoJSON point data.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • shape (str) – the shape formatted as a GeoJSON string.

  • index_type – Optional. Possible aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_* values are detailed in Miscellaneous.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().


Requires server version >= 3.7.0

import aerospike
from aerospike import GeoJSON
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)

client.index_geo2dsphere_create('test', 'pads', 'loc', 'pads_loc_geo')
bins = {'pad_id': 1,
        'loc': aerospike.geojson('{"type":"Point", "coordinates":[-80.604333, 28.608389]}')}
client.put(('test', 'pads', 'launchpad1'), bins)

# Create a search rectangle which matches screen boundaries:
# (from the bottom left corner counter-clockwise)
scrn = GeoJSON({ 'type': "Polygon",
                 'coordinates': [
                  [[-80.590000, 28.60000],
                   [-80.590000, 28.61800],
                   [-80.620000, 28.61800],
                   [-80.620000, 28.60000],
                   [-80.590000, 28.60000]]]})

# Find all points contained in the rectangle.
query = client.query('test', 'pads')'pad_id', 'loc')
query.where(p.geo_within_geojson_region('loc', scrn.dumps()))
records = query.results()

New in version 1.0.58.

aerospike.predicates.geo_within_radius(bin, long, lat, radius_meters[, index_type])

Predicate helper builds an AeroCircle GeoJSON shape, and returns a ‘within GeoJSON region’ predicate. Requires a geo2dsphere index (index_geo2dsphere_create()) over a bin containing GeoJSON point data.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • long (float) – the longitude of the center point of the AeroCircle.

  • lat (float) – the latitude of the center point of the AeroCircle.

  • radius_meters (float) – the radius length in meters of the AeroCircle.

  • index_type – Optional. Possible aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_* values are detailed in Miscellaneous.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().


Requires server version >= 3.8.1

import aerospike
from aerospike import GeoJSON
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)

client.index_geo2dsphere_create('test', 'pads', 'loc', 'pads_loc_geo')
bins = {'pad_id': 1,
        'loc': aerospike.geojson('{"type":"Point", "coordinates":[-80.604333, 28.608389]}')}
client.put(('test', 'pads', 'launchpad1'), bins)

query = client.query('test', 'pads')'pad_id', 'loc')
query.where(p.geo_within_radius('loc', -80.605000, 28.60900, 400.0))
records = query.results()

New in version 1.0.58.

aerospike.predicates.geo_contains_geojson_point(bin, point[, index_type])

Predicate for finding any regions in the bin which contain the given point. Requires a geo2dsphere index (index_geo2dsphere_create()) over a bin containing GeoJSON point data.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • point (str) – the point formatted as a GeoJSON string.

  • index_type – Optional. Possible aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_* values are detailed in Miscellaneous.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().


Requires server version >= 3.7.0

import aerospike
from aerospike import GeoJSON
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)

client.index_geo2dsphere_create('test', 'launch_centers', 'area', 'launch_area_geo')
rect = GeoJSON({ 'type': "Polygon",
                 'coordinates': [
                  [[-80.590000, 28.60000],
                   [-80.590000, 28.61800],
                   [-80.620000, 28.61800],
                   [-80.620000, 28.60000],
                   [-80.590000, 28.60000]]]})
bins = {'area': rect}
client.put(('test', 'launch_centers', 'kennedy space center'), bins)

# Find all geo regions containing a point
point = GeoJSON({'type': "Point",
                 'coordinates': [-80.604333, 28.608389]})
query = client.query('test', 'launch_centers')
query.where(p.geo_contains_geojson_point('area', point.dumps()))
records = query.results()

New in version 1.0.58.

aerospike.predicates.geo_contains_point(bin, long, lat[, index_type])

Predicate helper builds a GeoJSON point, and returns a ‘contains GeoJSON point’ predicate. Requires a geo2dsphere index (index_geo2dsphere_create()) over a bin containing GeoJSON point data.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • long (float) – the longitude of the point.

  • lat (float) – the latitude of the point.

  • index_type – Optional. Possible aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_* values are detailed in Miscellaneous.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().


Requires server version >= 3.7.0

import aerospike
from aerospike import GeoJSON
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)

client.index_geo2dsphere_create('test', 'launch_centers', 'area', 'launch_area_geo')
rect = GeoJSON({ 'type': "Polygon",
                 'coordinates': [
                  [[-80.590000, 28.60000],
                   [-80.590000, 28.61800],
                   [-80.620000, 28.61800],
                   [-80.620000, 28.60000],
                   [-80.590000, 28.60000]]]})
bins = {'area': rect}
client.put(('test', 'launch_centers', 'kennedy space center'), bins)

# Find all geo regions containing a point
query = client.query('test', 'launch_centers')
query.where(p.geo_contains_point('area', -80.604333, 28.608389))
records = query.results()

New in version 1.0.58.

Map and List Predicates

aerospike.predicates.contains(bin, index_type, val)

Represent the predicate bin CONTAINS val for a bin with a complex (list or map) type.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • index_type – Possible aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_* values are detailed in Miscellaneous.

  • val (str or int) – match records whose bin is an index_type (ex: list) containing val.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().


Requires server version >= 3.8.1

import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)

# assume the bin fav_movies in the set test.demo bin should contain
# a dict { (str) _title_ : (int) _times_viewed_ }
# create a secondary index for string values of test.demo records whose 'fav_movies' bin is a map
client.index_map_keys_create('test', 'demo', 'fav_movies', aerospike.INDEX_STRING, 'demo_fav_movies_titles_idx')
# create a secondary index for integer values of test.demo records whose 'fav_movies' bin is a map
client.index_map_values_create('test', 'demo', 'fav_movies', aerospike.INDEX_NUMERIC, 'demo_fav_movies_views_idx')

client.put(('test','demo','Dr. Doom'), {'age':43, 'fav_movies': {'12 Monkeys': 1, 'Brasil': 2}})
client.put(('test','demo','The Hulk'), {'age':38, 'fav_movies': {'Blindness': 1, 'Eternal Sunshine': 2}})

query = client.query('test', 'demo')
query.where(p.contains('fav_movies', aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_MAPKEYS, '12 Monkeys'))
res = query.results()
aerospike.predicates.range(bin, index_type, min, max))

Represent the predicate bin CONTAINS values BETWEEN min AND max for a bin with a complex (list or map) type.

  • bin (str) – the bin name.

  • index_type – Possible aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_* values are detailed in Miscellaneous.

  • min (int) – the minimum value to be used for matching with the range operator.

  • max (int) – the maximum value to be used for matching with the range operator.


tuple to be used in aerospike.Query.where().


Requires server version >= 3.8.1

import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config)

# create a secondary index for numeric values of test.demo records whose 'age' bin is a list
client.index_list_create('test', 'demo', 'age', aerospike.INDEX_NUMERIC, 'demo_age_nidx')

# query for records whose 'age' bin has a list with numeric values between 20 and 30
query = client.query('test', 'demo')
query.where(p.range('age', aerospike.INDEX_TYPE_LIST, 20, 30))
res = query.results()