Query Class — Query


class aerospike.Query

The Query object created by calling aerospike.Client.query() is used for executing queries over a secondary index of a specified set (which can be omitted or None). For queries, the None set contains those records which are not part of any named set.

The Query can (optionally) be assigned one of the predicates (between() or equals()) using where(). A query without a predicate will match all the records in the given set, similar to a Scan.

The query is invoked using either foreach() or results(). The bins returned can be filtered by using select().

Finally, a stream UDF may be applied with apply(). It will aggregate results out of the records streaming back from the query.

See also

Queries and Managing Queries.

select(bin1[, bin2[, bin3..]])

Set a filter on the record bins resulting from results() or foreach(). If a selected bin does not exist in a record it will not appear in the bins portion of that record tuple.


Set a where predicate for the query, without which the query will behave similar to aerospike.Scan. The predicate is produced by one of the aerospike.predicates methods equals() and between().

Parameters:predicate (tuple) – the tuple() produced by one of the aerospike.predicates methods.


Currently, you can assign at most one predicate to the query.

results([policy]) -> list of (key, meta, bins)

Buffer the records resulting from the query, and return them as a list of records.

Parameters:policy (dict) – optional Query Policies.
Returns:a list of Record Tuple.
import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p
import pprint

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
query = client.query('test', 'demo')
query.select('name', 'age') # matched records return with the values of these bins
# assuming there is a secondary index on the 'age' bin of test.demo
query.where(p.equals('age', 40))
records = query.results( {'timeout':2000})


Queries require a secondary index to exist on the bin being queried.

foreach(callback[, policy])

Invoke the callback function for each of the records streaming back from the query.



A Record Tuple is passed as the argument to the callback function.

import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p
import pprint

config = { 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
query = client.query('test', 'demo')
query.select('name', 'age') # matched records return with the values of these bins
# assuming there is a secondary index on the 'age' bin of test.demo
query.where(p.between('age', 20, 30))
names = []
def matched_names((key, metadata, bins)):

query.foreach(matched_names, {'timeout':2000})


To stop the stream return False from the callback function.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p

config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

def limit(lim, result):
    c = [0] # integers are immutable so a list (mutable) is used for the counter
    def key_add((key, metadata, bins)):
        if c[0] < lim:
            c[0] = c[0] + 1
            return False
    return key_add

query = client.query('test','user')
query.where(p.between('age', 20, 30))
keys = []
query.foreach(limit(100, keys))
print(len(keys)) # this will be 100 if the number of matching records > 100
apply(module, function[, arguments])

Aggregate the results() using a stream UDF. If no predicate is attached to the Query the stream UDF will aggregate over all the records in the specified set.

  • module (str) – the name of the Lua module.
  • function (str) – the name of the Lua function within the module.
  • arguments (list) – optional arguments to pass to the function.

one of the supported types, int, str, float (double), list, dict (map), bytearray (bytes).


Assume we registered the following Lua module with the cluster as stream_udf.lua using aerospike.Client.udf_put().

local function having_ge_threshold(bin_having, ge_threshold)
    return function(rec)
        debug("group_count::thresh_filter: %s >  %s ?", tostring(rec[bin_having]), tostring(ge_threshold))
        if rec[bin_having] < ge_threshold then
            return false
        return true

local function count(group_by_bin)
  return function(group, rec)
    if rec[group_by_bin] then
      local bin_name = rec[group_by_bin]
      group[bin_name] = (group[bin_name] or 0) + 1
      debug("group_count::count: bin %s has value %s which has the count of %s", tostring(bin_name), tostring(group[bin_name]))
    return group

local function add_values(val1, val2)
  return val1 + val2

local function reduce_groups(a, b)
  return map.merge(a, b, add_values)

function group_count(stream, group_by_bin, bin_having, ge_threshold)
  if bin_having and ge_threshold then
    local myfilter = having_ge_threshold(bin_having, ge_threshold)
    return stream : filter(myfilter) : aggregate(map{}, count(group_by_bin)) : reduce(reduce_groups)
    return stream : aggregate(map{}, count(group_by_bin)) : reduce(reduce_groups)

Find the first name distribution of users in their twenties using a query aggregation:

import aerospike
from aerospike import predicates as p
import pprint

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)],
          'lua': {'system_path':'/usr/local/aerospike/lua/',
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
query = client.query('test', 'users')
query.where(p.between('age', 20, 29))
query.apply('stream_udf', 'group_count', [ 'first_name' ])
names = query.results()
# we expect a dict (map) whose keys are names, each with a count value

With stream UDFs, the final reduce steps (which ties the results from the reducers of the cluster nodes) executes on the client-side. Explicitly setting the Lua user_path in the config helps the client find the local copy of the module containing the stream UDF. The system_path is constructed when the Python package is installed, and contains system modules such as aerospike.lua, as.lua, and stream_ops.lua. The default value for the Lua system_path is /usr/local/aerospike/lua.

Query Policies


A dict of optional query policies which are applicable to Query.results() and Query.foreach(). See Policies.

  • timeout maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the operation to complete. Default 0 means do not timeout.