aerospike — Aerospike Client for Python

The Aerospike client enables you to build an application in Python with an Aerospike cluster as its database. The client manages the connections to the cluster and handles the transactions performed against it.

Data Model

At the top is the namespace, a container that has one set of policy rules for all its data, and is similar to the database concept in an RDBMS, only distributed across the cluster. A namespace is subdivided into sets, similar to tables.

Pairs of key-value data called bins make up records, similar to columns of a row in a standard RDBMS. Aerospike is schema-less, meaning that you do not need to define your bins in advance.

Records are uniquely identified by their key, and record metadata is contained in an in-memory primary index.

See also

Architecture Overview and Aerospike Data Model for more information about Aerospike.


Creates a new instance of the Client class. This client can connect() to the cluster and perform operations against it, such as put() and get() records.

This is a wrapper function which calls the constructor for the Client class. The client may also be constructed by calling the constructor directly.

Parameters:config (dict) –

the client’s configuration.

  • hosts a required list of (address, port, [tls-name]) tuples identifying a node (or multiple nodes) in the cluster. The client will connect to the first available node in the list, the seed node, and will learn about the cluster and partition map from it. If tls-name is specified, it must match the tls-name specified in the node’s server configuration file and match the server’s CA certificate. Note: use of TLS requires Aerospike Enterprise Edition
  • lua an optional dict containing the paths to two types of Lua modules
    • system_path the location of the system modules such as aerospike.lua (default: /usr/local/aerospike/lua)
    • user_path the location of the user’s record and stream UDFs . (default: ./)
  • policies a dict of policies
    • read A dictionary containing read policies. See Read Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • write A dictionary containing write policies. See Write Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • apply A dictionary containing apply policies. See Apply Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • operate A dictionary containing operate policies. See Operate Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • remove A dictionary containing remove policies. See Remove Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • query A dictionary containing query policies. See Query Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • scan A dictionary containing scan policies. See Scan Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • batch A dictionary containing batch policies. See Batch Policies for available policy fields and values.
    • total_timeout default connection timeout in milliseconds (Deprecated: set this the individual policy dictionaries)
    • auth_mode a value defining how to authenticate with the server such as aerospike.AUTH_INTERNAL .
    • login_timeout_ms An integer representing Node login timeout in milliseconds. Default: 5000.
    • key default key policy, with values such as aerospike.POLICY_KEY_DIGEST (Deprecated: set this individually in the ‘read’, ‘write’, ‘apply’, ‘operate’, ‘remove’ policy dictionaries)
    • exists default exists policy, with values such as aerospike.POLICY_EXISTS_CREATE (Deprecated: set in the ‘write’ policies dictionary)
    • max_retries a int representing the number of times to retry a transaction (Deprecated: set this the individual policy dictionaries)
    • replica default replica policy, with values such as aerospike.POLICY_REPLICA_MASTER (Deprecated: set this in one or all of the ‘read’, ‘write’, ‘apply’, ‘operate’, ‘remove’ policy dictionaries)
    • commit_level default commit level policy, with values such as aerospike.POLICY_COMMIT_LEVEL_ALL (Deprecated: set this as needed individually in the ‘write’, ‘apply’, ‘operate’, ‘remove’ policy dictionaries)
  • shm a dict with optional shared-memory cluster tending parameters. Shared-memory cluster tending is on if the dict is provided. If multiple clients are instantiated talking to the same cluster the shm cluster-tending should be used.
    • max_nodes maximum number of nodes allowed. Pad so new nodes can be added without configuration changes (default: 16)
    • max_namespaces similarly pad (default: 8)
    • takeover_threshold_sec take over tending if the cluster hasn’t been checked for this many seconds (default: 30)
    • shm_key
      explicitly set the shm key for this client.
      If use_shared_connection is not set, or set to False, the user must provide a value for this field in order for shared memory to work correctly.
      If , and only if, use_shared_connection is set to True, the key will be implicitly evaluated per unique hostname, and can be inspected with shm_key() .
      It is still possible to specify a key when using use_shared_connection = True.
      (default: 0xA8000000)
  • use_shared_connection bool indicating whether this instance should share its connection to the Aerospike cluster with other client instances in the same process. (default: False)
  • tls a dict of optional TLS configuration parameters. TLS usage requires Aerospike Enterprise Edition
    • enable a bool indicating whether tls should be enabled or not. Default: False
    • cafile str Path to a trusted CA certificate file. By default TLS will use system standard trusted CA certificates
    • capath str Path to a directory of trusted certificates. See the OpenSSL SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations manual page for more information about the format of the directory.
    • protocols Specifies enabled protocols. This format is the same as Apache’s SSLProtocol documented at . If not specified the client will use “-all +TLSv1.2”.
    • cipher_suite str Specifies enabled cipher suites. The format is the same as OpenSSL’s Cipher List Format documented at .If not specified the OpenSSL default cipher suite described in the ciphers documentation will be used. If you are not sure what cipher suite to select this option is best left unspecified
    • keyfile str Path to the client’s key for mutual authentication. By default mutual authentication is disabled.
    • keyfile_pw str Decryption password for the client’s key for mutual authentication. By default the key is assumed not to be encrypted.
    • cert_blacklist str Path to a certificate blacklist file. The file should contain one line for each blacklisted certificate. Each line starts with the certificate serial number expressed in hex. Each entry may optionally specify the issuer name of the certificate (serial numbers are only required to be unique per issuer). Example records: 867EC87482B2 /C=US/ST=CA/O=Acme/OU=Engineering/CN=Test Chain CA E2D4B0E570F9EF8E885C065899886461
    • certfile str Path to the client’s certificate chain file for mutual authentication. By default mutual authentication is disabled.
    • crl_check bool Enable CRL checking for the certificate chain leaf certificate. An error occurs if a suitable CRL cannot be found. By default CRL checking is disabled.
    • crl_check_all bool Enable CRL checking for the entire certificate chain. An error occurs if a suitable CRL cannot be found. By default CRL checking is disabled.
    • log_session_info bool Log session information for each connection.
    • for_login_only bool Log session information for each connection. Use TLS connections only for login authentication. All other communication with the server will be done with non-TLS connections. Default: False (Use TLS connections for all communication with server.)
  • serialization an optional instance-level tuple() of (serializer, deserializer). Takes precedence over a class serializer registered with set_serializer().
  • thread_pool_size number of threads in the pool that is used in batch/scan/query commands (default: 16)
  • max_socket_idle Maximum socket idle time in seconds. Connection pools will discard sockets that have
    been idle longer than the maximum. The value is limited to 24 hours (86400). It’s important to set this value to a few seconds less than the server’s proto-fd-idle-ms (default 60000 milliseconds or 1 minute), so the client does not attempt to use a socket that has already been reaped by the server. Default: 0 seconds (disabled) for non-TLS connections, 55 seconds for TLS connections.
  • max_conns_per_node maximum number of pipeline connections allowed for each node
  • tend_interval polling interval in milliseconds for tending the cluster (default: 1000)
  • compression_threshold compress data for transmission if the object size is greater than a given number of bytes (default: 0, meaning ‘never compress’) (Deprecated, set this in the ‘write’ policy dictionary)
  • cluster_name only server nodes matching this name will be used when determining the cluster
  • rack_id
    An integer. Rack where this client instance resides.
    rack_aware and POLICY_REPLICA_PREFER_RACK and server rack configuration must also be set to enable this functionality.
    Default 0.
  • rack_aware
    Boolean. Track server rack data.
    This field is useful when directing read commands to the server node that contains the key and exists on the same rack as the client.
    This serves to lower cloud provider costs when nodes are distributed across different racks/data centers.
    rack_id and POLICY_REPLICA_PREFER_RACK and server rack configuration must also be set to enable this functionality.
    Default False
  • use_services_alternate
    Boolean. Flag to signify if “services-alternate” should be used instead of “services”
    Default False
Returns:an instance of the aerospike.Client class.
import aerospike

# configure the client to first connect to a cluster node at
# the client will learn about the other nodes in the cluster from the
# seed node.
# in this configuration shared-memory cluster tending is turned on,
# which is appropriate for a multi-process context, such as a webserver
config = {
    'hosts':    [ ('', 3000) ],
    'policies': {'read': {total_timeout': 1000}},
    'shm':      { }}
client = aerospike.client(config)

Changed in version 2.0.0.

import aerospike
import sys

# NOTE: Use of TLS Requires Aerospike Enterprise Server Version >= 3.11 and Python Client version 2.1.0 or greater
# To view Instructions for server configuration for TLS see
tls_name = "some-server-tls-name"
tls_ip = ""
tls_port = 4333

# If tls-name is specified, it must match the tls-name specified in the node’s server configuration file
# and match the server’s CA certificate.
tls_host_tuple = (tls_ip, tls_port, tls_name)
hosts = [tls_host_tuple]

# Example configuration which will use TLS with the specifed cafile
tls_config = {
    "cafile": "/path/to/cacert.pem",
    "enable": True

client = aerospike.client({
    "hosts": hosts,
    "tls": tls_config
except Exception as e:
    print("Failed to connect")

key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
client.put(key, {'aerospike': 'aerospike'})

A type for distinguishing a server-side null from a Python None. Replaces the constant aerospike.null.

Returns:a type representing the server-side type as_null.

New in version 2.0.1.


A type representing a wildcard object. This type may only be used as a comparison value in operations. It may not be stored in the database.

Returns:a type representing a wildcard value.
import aerospike
from aerospike_helpers.operations import list_operations as list_ops

client = aerospike.client({'hosts': [('localhost', 3000)]}).connect()
key = 'test', 'demo', 1

#  get all values of the form [1, ...] from a list of lists.
#  For example if list is [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [1, 'a']], this operation will match
#  [1, 2, 3] and [1, 'a']
operations = [list_ops.list_get_by_value('list_bin', [1, aerospike.CDTWildcard()], aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE)]
_, _, bins = client.operate(key, operations)

New in version 3.5.0.


This requires Aerospike Server or greater


A type representing an infinte value. This type may only be used as a comparison value in operations. It may not be stored in the database.

Returns:a type representing an infinite value.
import aerospike
from aerospike_helpers.operations import list_operations as list_ops

client = aerospike.client({'hosts': [('localhost', 3000)]}).connect()
key = 'test', 'demo', 1

#  get all values of the form [1, ...] from a list of lists.
#  For example if list is [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [1, 'a']], this operation will match
#  [1, 2, 3] and [1, 'a']
operations = [list_ops.list_get_by_value_range('list_bin', aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE, [1],  [1, aerospike.CDTInfinite()])]
_, _, bins = client.operate(key, operations)

New in version 3.5.0.


This requires Aerospike Server or greater

aerospike.calc_digest(ns, set, key) → bytearray

Calculate the digest of a particular key. See: Key Tuple.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • key (str, int or bytearray) – the primary key identifier of the record within the set.

a RIPEMD-160 digest of the input tuple.

Return type:


import aerospike
import pprint

digest = aerospike.calc_digest("test", "demo", 1 )



By default, the aerospike.Client maps the supported types int, str, float, bytearray, list, dict to matching aerospike server types (int, string, double, bytes, list, map). When an unsupported type is encountered, the module uses cPickle to serialize and deserialize the data, storing it into as_bytes of type ‘Python’ (AS_BYTES_PYTHON).

The functions set_serializer() and set_deserializer() allow for user-defined functions to handle serialization, instead. The serialized data is stored as ‘Generic’ as_bytes of type (AS_BYTES_BLOB). The serialization config param of aerospike.client() registers an instance-level pair of functions that handle serialization.


Register a user-defined serializer available to all aerospike.Client instances.

Parameters:callback (callable) – the function to invoke for serialization.

See also

To use this function with put() the argument to serializer should be aerospike.SERIALIZER_USER.

import aerospike
import json

def my_serializer(val):
    return json.dumps(val)


New in version 1.0.39.


Register a user-defined deserializer available to all aerospike.Client instances. Once registered, all read methods (such as get()) will run bins containing ‘Generic’ as_bytes of type (AS_BYTES_BLOB) through this deserializer.

Parameters:callback (callable) – the function to invoke for deserialization.

Deregister the user-defined de/serializer available from aerospike.Client instances.

New in version 1.0.53.


Serialization Examples

The following example shows the three modes of serialization - built-in, class-level user functions, instance-level user functions:

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
import marshal
import json

def go_marshal(val):
    return marshal.dumps(val)

def demarshal(val):
    return marshal.loads(val)

def jsonize(val):
    return json.dumps(val)

def dejsonize(val):
    return json.loads(val)

config = {'hosts':[('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
config['serialization'] = (jsonize,dejsonize)
client2 = aerospike.client(config).connect()

for i in xrange(1, 4):
        client.remove(('test', 'demo', 'foo' + i))

bin_ = {'t': (1, 2, 3)} # tuple is an unsupported type
print("Use the built-in serialization (cPickle)")
client.put(('test','demo','foo1'), bin_)
(key, meta, bins) = client.get(('test','demo','foo1'))

print("Use the class-level user-defined serialization (marshal)")
client.put(('test','demo','foo2'), bin_, serializer=aerospike.SERIALIZER_USER)
(key, meta, bins) = client.get(('test','demo','foo2'))

print("Use the instance-level user-defined serialization (json)")
client2.put(('test','demo','foo3'), bin_, serializer=aerospike.SERIALIZER_USER)
# notice that json-encoding a tuple produces a list
(key, meta, bins) = client2.get(('test','demo','foo3'))

The expected output is:

Use the built-in serialization (cPickle)
{'i': 321, 't': (1, 2, 3)}
Use the class-level user-defined serialization (marshal)
{'i': 321, 't': (1, 2, 3)}
Use the instance-level user-defined serialization (json)
{'i': 321, 't': [1, 2, 3]}

While AQL shows the records as having the following structure:

aql> select i,t from test.demo where PK='foo1'
| i   | t                                            |
| 321 | 28 49 31 0A 49 32 0A 49 33 0A 74 70 31 0A 2E |
1 row in set (0.000 secs)

aql> select i,t from test.demo where PK='foo2'
| i   | t                                                           |
| 321 | 28 03 00 00 00 69 01 00 00 00 69 02 00 00 00 69 03 00 00 00 |
1 row in set (0.000 secs)

aql> select i,t from test.demo where PK='foo3'
| i   | t                          |
| 321 | 5B 31 2C 20 32 2C 20 33 5D |
1 row in set (0.000 secs)



Set a user-defined function as the log handler for all aerospike objects. The callback is invoked whenever a log event passing the logging level threshold is encountered.

Parameters:callback (callable) – the function used as the logging handler.


The callback function must have the five parameters (level, func, path, line, msg)

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike

def as_logger(level, func, path, line, msg):
def as_logger(level, func, myfile, line, msg):
    print("**", myfile, line, func, ':: ', msg, "**")


Declare the logging level threshold for the log handler.

Parameters:log_level (int) – one of the Log Level constant values.



Helper for creating an instance of the GeoJSON class. Used to wrap a geospatial object, such as a point, polygon or circle.

Parameters:geo_data (dict) – a dict representing the geospatial data.
Returns:an instance of the aerospike.GeoJSON class.
import aerospike

# Create GeoJSON point using WGS84 coordinates.
latitude = 45.920278
longitude = 63.342222
loc = aerospike.geodata({'type': 'Point',
                         'coordinates': [longitude, latitude]})

New in version 1.0.54.


Helper for creating an instance of the GeoJSON class from a raw GeoJSON str.

Parameters:geojson_str (dict) – a str of raw GeoJSON.
Returns:an instance of the aerospike.GeoJSON class.
import aerospike

# Create GeoJSON point using WGS84 coordinates.
loc = aerospike.geojson('{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-80.604333, 28.608389]}')

New in version 1.0.54.


Operators for the multi-ops method operate().


Beginning in version 3.4.0, it is recommended to use the operation helpers module aerospike_helpers.operations package To create the arguments for the operate() and operate()


Write a value into a bin

    "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_WRITE,
    "bin": "name",
    "val": "Peanut"

Append to a bin with str type data

    "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_APPEND,
    "bin": "name",
    "val": "Mr. "

Prepend to a bin with str type data

    "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_PREPEND,
    "bin": "name",
    "val": " Esq."

Increment a bin with int or float type data

    "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_INCR,
    "bin": "age",
    "val": 1

Read a specific bin

    "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_READ,
    "bin": "name"

Touch a record, setting its TTL. May be combined with OPERATOR_READ

    "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_TOUCH

Append an element to a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_APPEND,
    "bin": "events",
    "val": 1234,
    "list_policy": {"write_flags": aerospike.LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE} # Optional, new in client 3.4.0

Changed in version 3.4.0.


Extend a bin with list type data with a list of items

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_APPEND_ITEMS,
    "bin": "events",
    "val": [ 123, 456 ],
    "list_policy": {"write_flags": aerospike.LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE} # Optional, new in client 3.4.0

Changed in version 3.4.0.


Insert an element at a specified index of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_INSERT,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2,
    "val": 1234,
    "list_policy": {"write_flags": aerospike.LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE} # Optional, new in client 3.4.0

Changed in version 3.4.0.


Insert the items at a specified index of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_INSERT_ITEMS,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2,
    "val": [ 123, 456 ]
    "list_policy": {"write_flags": aerospike.LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE} # Optional, new in client 3.4.0

Changed in version 3.4.0.


Increment the value of an item at the given index in a list stored in the specified bin

    "op": aerospike.OP_LIST_INCREMENT,
    "bin": "bin_name",
    "index": 2,
    "val": 5,
    "list_policy": {"write_flags": aerospike.LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE} # Optional, new in client 3.4.0

Changed in version 3.4.0.


Remove and return the element at a specified index of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_POP, # removes and returns a value
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2

Remove and return a list of elements at a specified index range of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_POP_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2,
    "val": 3 # remove and return 3 elements starting at index 2

Remove the element at a specified index of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE, # remove a value
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2

Remove a list of elements at a specified index range of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2,
    "val": 3 # remove 3 elements starting at index 2

Remove all the elements in a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_CLEAR,
    "bin": "events"

Set the element val in a specified index of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_SET,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2,
    "val": "latest event at index 2" # set this value at index 2,
    "list_policy": {"write_flags": aerospike.LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE} # Optional, new in client 3.4.0

Changed in version 3.4.0.


Get the element at a specified index of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2

Get the list of elements starting at a specified index of a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2,
    "val": 3 # get 3 elements starting at index 2

Remove elements from a bin with list type data which are not within the range starting at a given index plus val

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_TRIM,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2,
    "val": 3 # remove all elements not in the range between index 2 and index 2 + 3

Count the number of elements in a bin with list type data

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_SIZE,
    "bin": "events" # gets the size of a list contained in the bin

Get the item at the specified index from a list bin. Server selects list item identified by index and returns selected data specified by return_type.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_BY_INDEX,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2, # Index of the item to fetch
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE

New in version 3.4.0.


Server selects count list items starting at specified index and returns selected data specified by return_type. if count is omitted, the server returns all items from index to the end of list.

If inverted is set to True, return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_BY_INDEX_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2, # Beginning index of range,
    "count": 2, # Optional Count.
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional.

New in version 3.4.0.


Server selects list item identified by rank and returns selected data specified by return_type.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_BY_RANK,
    "bin": "events",
    "rank": 2, # Rank of the item to fetch
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE

New in version 3.4.0.


Server selects count list items starting at specified rank and returns selected data specified by return_type. If count is not specified, the server returns items starting at the specified rank to the last ranked item.

If inverted is set to True, return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_BY_RANK_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "rank": 2, # Rank of the item to fetch
    "count": 3,
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional, defaults to False

New in version 3.4.0.


Server selects list items identified by val and returns selected data specified by return_type.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_BY_VALUE,
    "bin": "events",
    "val": 5,
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT

New in version 3.4.0.


Server selects list items contained in by value_list and returns selected data specified by return_type.

If inverted is set to True, returns items not included in value_list

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_BY_VALUE_LIST,
    "bin": "events",
    "value_list": [5, 6, 7],
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT,
    "inverted": False # Optional, defaults to False

New in version 3.4.0.


Create list get by value range operation. Server selects list items identified by value range (begin inclusive, end exclusive). If value_begin is not present the range is less than value_end. If value_end is not specified, the range is greater than or equal to value_begin.

If inverted is set to True, returns items not included in the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_GET_BY_VALUE_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "value_begin": 3, # Optional
    "value_end": 6, Optional
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional, defaults to False

New in version 3.4.0.


Remove and return the item at the specified index from a list bin. Server selects list item identified by index and returns selected data specified by return_type.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_BY_INDEX,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2, # Index of the item to fetch
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE

New in version 3.4.0.


Server remove count list items starting at specified index and returns selected data specified by return_type. if count is omitted, the server removes and returns all items from index to the end of list.

If inverted is set to True, remove and return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_BY_INDEX_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "index": 2, # Beginning index of range,
    "count": 2, # Optional Count.
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional.

New in version 3.4.0.


Server removes and returns list item identified by rank and returns selected data specified by return_type.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_BY_RANK,
    "bin": "events",
    "rank": 2, # Rank of the item to fetch
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE

New in version 3.4.0.


Server removes and returns count list items starting at specified rank and returns selected data specified by return_type. If count is not specified, the server removes and returns items starting at the specified rank to the last ranked item.

If inverted is set to True, removes return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_BY_RANK_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "rank": 2, # Rank of the item to fetch
    "count": 3,
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional, defaults to False

New in version 3.4.0.


Server removes and returns list items identified by val and returns selected data specified by return_type.

If inverted is set to True, removes and returns list items with a value not equal to val.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_BY_VALUE,
    "bin": "events",
    "val": 5,
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT,
    "inverted", # Optional, defaults to False

New in version 3.4.0.


Server removes and returns list items contained in by value_list and returns selected data specified by return_type.

If inverted is set to True, removes and returns items not included in value_list

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_BY_VALUE_LIST,
    "bin": "events",
    "value_list": [5, 6, 7],
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_COUNT,
    "inverted": False # Optional, defaults to False

New in version 3.4.0.


Create list remove by value range operation. Server removes and returns list items identified by value range (begin inclusive, end exclusive). If value_begin is not present the range is less than value_end. If value_end is not specified, the range is greater than or equal to value_begin.

If inverted is set to True, removes and returns items not included in the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_LIST_REMOVE_BY_VALUE_RANGE,
    "bin": "events",
    "value_begin": 3, # Optional
    "value_end": 6, Optional
    "return_type": aerospike.LIST_RETURN_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional, defaults to False

New in version 3.4.0.


Assign an ordering to the specified list bin. list_order should be one of aerospike.LIST_ORDERED, aerospike.LIST_UNORDERED.

    "op": aerospike.OP_LIST_SET_ORDER,
    "list_order": aerospike.LIST_ORDERED,
    "bin": "events"

New in version 3.4.0.


Perform a sort operation on the bin. sort_flags, if provided, can be one of: aerospike.LIST_SORT_DROP_DUPLICATES indicating that duplicate elements should be removed from the sorted list.

    'op': aerospike.OP_LIST_SORT,
    'sort_flags': aerospike.LIST_SORT_DROP_DUPLICATES, # Optional flags or'd together specifying behavior
    'bin': self.test_bin

New in version 3.4.0.


Set the policy for a map bin. The policy controls the write mode and the ordering of the map entries.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_SET_POLICY,
    "bin": "scores",
    "map_policy": {"map_write_mode": Aeorspike.MAP_UPDATE, "map_order": Aerospike.MAP_KEY_VALUE_ORDERED}

Put a key/value pair into a map. Operator accepts an optional map_policy dictionary (see OP_MAP_SET_POLICY for an example)

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_PUT,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "key": "age",
    "val": 97
OP_MAP_PUT_ITEMS. Operator accepts an optional map_policy dictionary (see OP_MAP_SET_POLICY for an example)

Put a dictionary of key/value pairs into a map.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_PUT_ITEMS,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "val": {"name": "bubba", "occupation": "dancer"}
OP_MAP_INCREMENT. Operator accepts an optional map_policy dictionary (see OP_MAP_SET_POLICY for an example)

Increment the value of map entry by the given “val” argument.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_INCREMENT,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "key": "age",
    "val": 1
OP_MAP_DECREMENT. Operator accepts an optional map_policy dictionary (see OP_MAP_SET_POLICY for an example)

Decrement the value of map entry by the given “val” argument.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_DECREMENT,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "key": "age",
    "val": 1

Return the number of entries in the given map bin.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_SIZE,
    "bin": "my_map"

Remove all entries from the given map bin.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_CLEAR,
    "bin": "my_map"

Note that if “return_type” is not specified in the parameters for a map operation, the default is aerospike.MAP_RETURN_NONE


Remove the first entry from the map bin that matches the given key.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_KEY,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "key": "age",
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE

Remove the entries from the map bin that match the list of given keys. If inverted is set to True, remove all items except those in the list of keys.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_KEY_LIST,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "val": ["name", "rank", "serial"],
    "inverted": False #Optional

Remove the entries from the map bin that have keys which fall between the given “key” (inclusive) and “val” (exclusive). If inverted is set to True, remove all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_KEY_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "key": "i",
    "val": "j",
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Remove the entry or entries from the map bin that have values which match the given “val” parameter. If inverted is set to True, remove all items with a value other than val

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_VALUE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "val": 97,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY
    "inverted": False #optional

Remove the entries from the map bin that have values which match the list of values given in the “val” parameter. If inverted is set to True, remove all items with values not contained in the list of values.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_VALUE_LIST,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "val": [97, 98, 99],
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Remove the entries from the map bin that have values starting with the given “val” parameter (inclusive) up to the given “range” parameter (exclusive). If inverted is set to True, remove all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_VALUE_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "val": 97,
    "range": 100,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Remove the entry from the map bin at the given “index” location.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_INDEX,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 0,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE

Remove the entries from the map bin starting at the given “index” location and removing “range” items. If inverted is set to True, remove all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_INDEX_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 0,
    "val": 2,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Remove the first entry from the map bin that has a value with a rank matching the given “index”.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_RANK,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 10

Remove the entries from the map bin that have values with a rank starting at the given “index” and removing “range” items. If inverted is set to True, remove all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_REMOVE_BY_RANK_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 10,
    "val": 2,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Return the entry from the map bin that which has a key that matches the given “key” parameter.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_KEY,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "key": "age",
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE

Return the entries from the map bin that have keys which fall between the given “key” (inclusive) and “val” (exclusive). If inverted is set to True, return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_KEY_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "key": "i",
    "range": "j",
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE
    "inverted": False # Optional

Return the entry or entries from the map bin that have values which match the given “val” parameter. If inverted is set to True, return all items with a value not equal to the given “val” parameter.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_VALUE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "val": 97,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY

Return the entries from the map bin that have values starting with the given “val” parameter (inclusive) up to the given “range” parameter (exclusive). If inverted is set to True, return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_VALUE_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "val": 97,
    "range": 100,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Return the entry from the map bin at the given “index” location.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_INDEX,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 0,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE

Return the entries from the map bin starting at the given “index” location and returning “range” items. If inverted is set to True, return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_INDEX_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 0,
    "val": 2,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Return the first entry from the map bin that has a value with a rank matching the given “index”.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_RANK,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 10

Return the entries from the map bin that have values with a rank starting at the given “index” and removing “range” items. If inverted is set to True, return all items outside of the specified range.

    "op" : aerospike.OP_MAP_GET_BY_RANK_RANGE,
    "bin": "my_map",
    "index": 10,
    "val": 2,
    "return_type": aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE,
    "inverted": False # Optional

Changed in version 2.0.4.


Commit Level Policy Options

Specifies the number of replicas required to be successfully committed before returning success in a write operation to provide the desired consistency guarantee.


Return succcess only after successfully committing all replicas


Return succcess after successfully committing the master replica

AP Read Mode Policy Options

Read policy for AP (availability) namespaces.

New in version 3.7.0.


Involve single node in the read operation.

New in version 3.7.0.


Involve all duplicates in the read operation.

New in version 3.7.0.

SC Read Mode Policy Options

Read policy for SC (strong consistency) namespaces.

New in version 3.7.0.


Ensures this client will only see an increasing sequence of record versions. Server only reads from master. This is the default.

New in version 3.7.0.


Ensures ALL clients will only see an increasing sequence of record versions. Server only reads from master.

New in version 3.7.0.


Server may read from master or any full (non-migrating) replica. Increasing sequence of record versions is not guaranteed.

New in version 3.7.0.


Server may read from master or any full (non-migrating) replica or from unavailable partitions. Increasing sequence of record versions is not guaranteed.

New in version 3.7.0.

Existence Policy Options

Specifies the behavior for writing the record depending whether or not it exists.


Create a record, ONLY if it doesn’t exist


Completely replace a record if it exists, otherwise create it


Write the record, regardless of existence. (i.e. create or update)


Completely replace a record, ONLY if it exists


Update a record, ONLY if it exists

Generation Policy Options

Specifies the behavior of record modifications with regard to the generation value.


Write a record, regardless of generation


Write a record, ONLY if generations are equal


Write a record, ONLY if local generation is greater-than remote generation

Key Policy Options

Specifies the behavior for whether keys or digests should be sent to the cluster.


Calculate the digest on the client-side and send it to the server


Send the key in addition to the digest. This policy causes a write operation to store the key on the server

Replica Options

Specifies which partition replica to read from.


Always try node containing master partition first. If connection fails and retry_on_timeout is true, try node containing prole partition. Currently restricted to master and one prole.


Read from the partition master replica node


Distribute reads across nodes containing key’s master and replicated partition in round-robin fashion. Currently restricted to master and one prole.

Try node on the same rack as the client first. If there are no nodes on the same rack, use POLICY_REPLICA_SEQUENCE instead.

rack_aware and rack_id must be set in the config argument of the client constructor in order to enable this functionality

Retry Policy Options

Specifies the behavior of failed operations.


Only attempt an operation once


If an operation fails, attempt the operation one more time

Auth Mode Constants

Specifies the type of authentication to be used when communicating with the server


Use internal authentication only. Hashed password is stored on the server. Do not send clear password. This is the default.


Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is configured on server. If TLS defined, send clear password on node login via TLS. Throw exception if TLS is not defined.


Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is configured on server. Send clear password on node login whether or not TLS is defined. This mode should only be used for testing purposes because it is not secure authentication.

Scan Constants


Deprecated since version 1.0.50: used by scan_info()


Deprecated since version 1.0.50: used by scan_info()


Deprecated since version 1.0.50: used by scan_info()


Deprecated since version 1.0.50: used by scan_info()

New in version 1.0.39.

Job Constants


Scan job type argument for the module parameter of job_info()


Query job type argument for the module parameter of job_info()


New in version 1.0.50.

Serialization Constants


Use the cPickle serializer to handle unsupported types (default)


Use a user-defined serializer to handle unsupported types. Must have been registered for the aerospike class or configured for the Client object


Do not serialize bins whose data type is unsupported

New in version 1.0.47.

Bitwise Constants


Allow create or update (default).


If bin already exists the operation is denied. Otherwise the bin is created.


If bin does not exist the operation is denied. Otherwise the bin is updated.


Do not raise error if operation failed.


Allow other valid operations to be committed if this operation is denied due to flag constraints. i.e. If the number of bytes from the offset to the end of the existing Bytes bin is less than the specified number of bytes, then only apply operations from the offset to the end.


Add/remove bytes from the end (default).


Add/remove bytes from the front.


Only allow the bitmap size to increase.


Only allow the bitmap size to decrease.


Operation will fail on overflow/underflow.


If add or subtract ops overflow/underflow, set to max/min value. Example: MAXINT + 1 = MAXINT.


If add or subtract ops overflow/underflow, wrap the value. Example: MAXINT + 1 = MININT.

New in version 3.9.0.



A str containing the module’s version.

New in version 1.0.54.


A value for distinguishing a server-side null from a Python None .

Deprecated since version 2.0.1: use the function aerospike.null() instead.


An index whose values are of the aerospike string data type


An index whose values are of the aerospike integer data type


An index whose values are of the aerospike GetJSON data type

See also

Data Types.


Index a bin whose contents is an aerospike list


Index the keys of a bin whose contents is an aerospike map


Index the values of a bin whose contents is an aerospike map

Log Level



Permission codes define the type of permission granted for a user’s role.


The user is granted read access.


The user is granted write access.


The user is granted read and write access.


The user is granted read and write access, and the ability to invoke UDFs.


The user is granted the ability to perform system administration operations. Global scope only.


The user is granted the ability to perform user administration operations. Global scope only.


User can perform systems administration functions on a database that do not involve user administration. Examples include setting dynamic server configuration. Global scope only.

Map Return Types

Return types used by various map operations


Do not return any value.


Return key index order.


Return reverse key order.


Return value order.


Return reserve value order.


Return count of items selected.


Return key for single key read and key list for range read.


Return value for single key read and value list for range read.


Return key/value items. Note that key/value pairs will be returned as a list of tuples (i.e. [(key1, value1), (key2, value2)])

List Return Types

Return types used by various map operations


Do not return any value.


Return key index order.


Return reverse key order.


Return value order.


Return reserve value order.


Return count of items selected.


Return value for single key read and value list for range read.

Regex Flag Values

Flags used for the predexp.string_regex function


Use default behavior.


Do not differentiate case.


Use POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax when interpreting regex.


Do not report position of matches.


Match-any-character operators don’t match a newline.