Client Class — Client


The client connects through a seed node (the address of a single node) to an Aerospike database cluster. From the seed node, the client learns of the other nodes and establishes connections to them. It also gets the partition map of the cluster, which is how it knows where every record actually lives.

The client handles the connections, including re-establishing them ahead of executing an operation. It keeps track of changes to the cluster through a cluster-tending thread.


    from __future__ import print_function
    # import the module
    import aerospike
    from aerospike import exception as ex
    import sys

    # Configure the client
    config = {
        'hosts': [ ('', 3000) ]

    # Optionally set policies for various method types
    write_policies = {'total_timeout': 2000, 'max_retries': 0}
    read_policies = {'total_timeout': 1500, 'max_retries': 1}
    policies = {'write': write_policies, 'read': read_policies}
    config['policies'] = policies

    # Create a client and connect it to the cluster
        client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
    except ex.ClientError as e:
        print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

    # Records are addressable via a tuple of (namespace, set, primary key)
    key = ('test', 'demo', 'foo')

        # Write a record
        client.put(key, {
            'name': 'John Doe',
            'age': 32
    except ex.RecordError as e:
        print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

    # Read a record
    (key, meta, record) = client.get(key)

    # Close the connection to the Aerospike cluster

.. index::
    single: Connection

.. _aerospike_connection_operations:


class aerospike.Client
connect([username, password])

Connect to the cluster. The optional username and password only apply when connecting to the Enterprise Edition of Aerospike.

  • username (str) – a defined user with roles in the cluster. See admin_create_user().
  • password (str) – the password will be hashed by the client using bcrypt.

ClientError, for example when a connection cannot be established to a seed node (any single node in the cluster from which the client learns of the other nodes).


Tests the connections between the client and the nodes of the cluster. If the result is False, the client will require another call to connect().

Return type:bool

Changed in version 2.0.0.


Close all connections to the cluster. It is recommended to explicitly call this method when the program is done communicating with the cluster.

Key Tuple


The key tuple, which is sent and returned by various operations, has the structure

(namespace, set, primary key[, the record's RIPEMD-160 digest])

  • namespace the str name of the namespace, which must be preconfigured on the cluster.
  • set the str name of the set. Will be created automatically if it does not exist.
  • primary key the value by which the client-side application identifies the record, which can be of type str, int or bytearray.
  • digest the first three parts of the tuple get hashed through RIPEMD-160, and the digest used by the clients and cluster nodes to locate the record. A key tuple is also valid if it has the digest part filled and the primary key part set to None.
>>> client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
>>> client.put(('test','demo','oof'), {'id':0, 'a':1})
>>> (key, meta, bins) = client.get(('test','demo','oof'))
>>> key
('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'\ti\xcb\xb9\xb6V#V\xecI#\xealu\x05\x00H\x98\xe4='))
>>> (key2, meta2, bins2) = client.get(key)
>>> bins2
{'a': 1, 'id': 0}
>>> client.close()

Record Tuple


The record tuple (key, meta, bins) which is returned by various read operations.

  • key the Key Tuple.
  • meta a dict containing {'gen' : genration value, 'ttl': ttl value}.
  • bins a dict containing bin-name/bin-value pairs.

See also

Data Model: Record.


Record Operations

class aerospike.Client
put(key, bins[, meta[, policy[, serializer]]])

Write a record with a given key to the cluster.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex

config = {
    'hosts': [ ('', 3000) ],
    'total_timeout': 1500
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    bins = {
        'l': [ "qwertyuiop", 1, bytearray("asd;as[d'as;d", "utf-8") ],
        'm': { "key": "asd';q;'1';" },
        'i': 1234,
        'f': 3.14159265359,
        's': '!@#@#$QSDAsd;as'
    client.put(key, bins,
             policy={'key': aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND},
    # adding a bin
    client.put(key, {'smiley': u"\ud83d\ude04"})
    # removing a bin
    client.put(key, {'i': aerospike.null()})
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))


Version >= 3.10.0 Supports predicate expressions for record operations see predexp. Requires server version >= 4.7.0.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import predexp
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = {"hosts": [("", 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    keys = [("test", "demo", 1), ("test", "demo", 2), ("test", "demo", 3)]
    records = [{"number": 1}, {"number": 2}, {"number": 3}]
    for i in range(3):
        client.put(keys[i], records[i])

    preds = [  # check that the record has a value < 2 bin 'name'
    records = []

    for i in range(3):
            records.append(client.get(keys[i], policy={"predexp": preds}))
        except ex.FilteredOut as e:
            print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
# the get only returns records that match the preds
# otherwise, an error is returned
# [(('test', 'demo', 1, bytearray(b'\xb7\xf4\xb88\x89\xe2\xdag\xdeh>\x1d\xf6\x91\x9a\x1e\xac\xc4F\xc8')), {'gen': 8, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'charges': [10, 20, 14], 'name': 'John', 'number': 1})]


Using Generation Policy

The generation policy allows a record to be written only when the generation is a specific value. In the following example, we only want to write the record if no change has occurred since exists() was called.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [ ('',3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    (key, meta) = client.exists(('test','test','key1'))
    client.put(('test','test','key1'), {'id':1,'a':2},
        meta={'gen': 33},
    print('Record written.')
except ex.RecordGenerationError:
    print("put() failed due to generation policy mismatch")
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
exists(key[, policy]) -> (key, meta)

Check if a record with a given key exists in the cluster and return the record as a tuple() consisting of key and meta. If the record does not exist the meta data will be None.

Return type:

tuple() (key, meta)


a subclass of AerospikeError.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    # assuming a record with such a key exists in the cluster
    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    (key, meta) = client.exists(key)
except ex.RecordNotFound:
    print("Record not found:", key)
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

Changed in version 2.0.3.

get(key[, policy]) -> (key, meta, bins)

Read a record with a given key, and return the record as a tuple() consisting of key, meta and bins.


a Record Tuple. See Unicode Handling.



from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    # assuming a record with such a key exists in the cluster
    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    (key, meta, bins) = client.get(key)
except ex.RecordNotFound:
    print("Record not found:", key)
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))


The client has been changed to raise a RecordNotFound exception when get() does not find the record. Code that used to check for meta != None should be modified.

Changed in version 2.0.0.

select(key, bins[, policy]) -> (key, meta, bins)

Read a record with a given key, and return the record as a tuple() consisting of key, meta and bins, with the specified bins projected. Prior to Aerospike server 3.6.0, if a selected bin does not exist its value will be None. Starting with 3.6.0, if a bin does not exist it will not be present in the returned Record Tuple.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple associated with the record.
  • bins (list) – a list of bin names to select from the record.
  • policy (dict) – optional Read Policies.

a Record Tuple. See Unicode Handling.



from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    # assuming a record with such a key exists in the cluster
    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    (key, meta, bins) =, ['name'])
    print("name: ", bins.get('name'))
except ex.RecordNotFound:
    print("Record not found:", key)
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))


The client has been changed to raise a RecordNotFound exception when select() does not find the record. Code that used to check for meta != None should be modified.

Changed in version 2.0.0.

touch(key[, val=0[, meta[, policy]]])

Touch the given record, setting its time-to-live and incrementing its generation.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • val (int) – the optional ttl in seconds, with 0 resolving to the default value in the server config.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

import aerospike

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
client.touch(key, 120, policy={'total_timeout': 100})
remove(key[meta, policy])

Remove a record matching the key from the cluster.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple associated with the record.
  • meta (dict) – Optional dictonary allowing a user to specify the expected generation of the record.
  • policy (dict) – optional Remove Policies. May be passed as a keyword argument.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

import aerospike

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
client.remove(key, meta={'gen': 5}, policy={'gen': aerospike.POLICY_GEN_EQ})
get_key_digest(ns, set, key) → bytearray

Calculate the digest of a particular key. See: Key Tuple.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • key (str or int) – the primary key identifier of the record within the set.

a RIPEMD-160 digest of the input tuple.

Return type:


import aerospike
import pprint

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

digest = client.get_key_digest("test", "demo", 1 )
key = ('test', 'demo', None, digest)
(key, meta, bins) = client.get(key)

Deprecated since version 2.0.1: use the function aerospike.calc_digest() instead.

Removing a Bin

remove_bin(key, list[, meta[, policy]])

Remove a list of bins from a record with a given key. Equivalent to setting those bins to aerospike.null() with a put().

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple associated with the record.
  • list (list) – the bins names to be removed from the record.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Write Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

import aerospike

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
meta = { 'ttl': 3600 }
client.remove_bin(key, ['name', 'age'], meta, {'retry': aerospike.POLICY_RETRY_ONCE})

Batch Operations

class aerospike.Client
get_many(keys[, policy]) → [ (key, meta, bins)]

Batch-read multiple records, and return them as a list. Any record that does not exist will have a None value for metadata and bins in the record tuple.


a list of Record Tuple.


a ClientError if the batch is too big.

See also

More information about the Batch Index interface new to Aerospike server >= 3.6.0.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    # assume the fourth key has no matching record
    keys = [
      ('test', 'demo', '1'),
      ('test', 'demo', '2'),
      ('test', 'demo', '3'),
      ('test', 'demo', '4')
    records = client.get_many(keys)
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))


We expect to see something like:

  (('test', 'demo', '1', bytearray(b'ev\xb4\x88\x8c\xcf\x92\x9c \x0bo\xbd\x90\xd0\x9d\xf3\xf6\xd1\x0c\xf3')), {'gen': 1, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'age': 1, 'name': u'Name1'}),
  (('test', 'demo', '2', bytearray(b'n\xcd7p\x88\xdcF\xe1\xd6\x0e\x05\xfb\xcbs\xa68I\xf0T\xfd')), {'gen': 1, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'age': 2, 'name': u'Name2'}),
  (('test', 'demo', '3', bytearray(b'\x9f\xf2\xe3\xf3\xc0\xc1\xc3q\xb5$n\xf8\xccV\xa9\xed\xd91a\x86')), {'gen': 1, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'age': 3, 'name': u'Name3'}),
  (('test', 'demo', '4', bytearray(b'\x8eu\x19\xbe\xe0(\xda ^\xfa\x8ca\x93s\xe8\xb3%\xa8]\x8b')), None, None)


Version >= 3.10.0 Supports predicate expressions for batch operations see predexp. Requires server version >= 4.7.0

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import predexp
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = {"hosts": [("", 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    keys = [("test", "demo", 1), ("test", "demo", 2), ("test", "demo", 3)]
    records = [{"number": 1}, {"number": 2}, {"number": 3}]
    for i in range(3):
        client.put(keys[i], records[i])

    preds = [  # check that the record has a value less than 2 in bin 'name'
    records = client.get_many(keys, policy={"predexp": preds})
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
# the get_many only returns the records that matched the preds
# [
#   (('test', 'demo', 1, bytearray(b'\xb7\xf4\xb88\x89\xe2\xdag\xdeh>\x1d\xf6\x91\x9a\x1e\xac\xc4F\xc8')), {'gen': 8, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'charges': [10, 20, 14], 'name': 'John', 'number': 1}),
#   (('test', 'demo', 2, bytearray(b'\xaejQ_7\xdeJ\xda\xccD\x96\xe2\xda\x1f\xea\x84\x8c:\x92p')), None, None),
#   ('test', 'demo', 3, bytearray(b'\xb1\xa5`g\xf6\xd4\xa8\xa4D9\xd3\xafb\xbf\xf8ha\x01\x94\xcd')), None, None)
# ]


The return type changed to list starting with version 1.0.50.

exists_many(keys[, policy]) → [ (key, meta)]

Batch-read metadata for multiple keys, and return it as a list. Any record that does not exist will have a None value for metadata in the result tuple.


a list of (key, metadata) tuple().

See also

More information about the Batch Index interface new to Aerospike server >= 3.6.0.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    # assume the fourth key has no matching record
    keys = [
      ('test', 'demo', '1'),
      ('test', 'demo', '2'),
      ('test', 'demo', '3'),
      ('test', 'demo', '4')
    records = client.exists_many(keys)
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))


We expect to see something like:

   (('test', 'demo', '1', bytearray(b'ev\xb4\x88\x8c\xcf\x92\x9c \x0bo\xbd\x90\xd0\x9d\xf3\xf6\xd1\x0c\xf3')), {'gen': 2, 'ttl': 2592000}),
   (('test', 'demo', '2', bytearray(b'n\xcd7p\x88\xdcF\xe1\xd6\x0e\x05\xfb\xcbs\xa68I\xf0T\xfd')), {'gen': 7, 'ttl': 1337}),
   (('test', 'demo', '3', bytearray(b'\x9f\xf2\xe3\xf3\xc0\xc1\xc3q\xb5$n\xf8\xccV\xa9\xed\xd91a\x86')), {'gen': 9, 'ttl': 543}),
   (('test', 'demo', '4', bytearray(b'\x8eu\x19\xbe\xe0(\xda ^\xfa\x8ca\x93s\xe8\xb3%\xa8]\x8b')), None)


The return type changed to list starting with version 1.0.50.

select_many(keys, bins[, policy]) → [(key, meta, bins), ...]}

Batch-read multiple records, and return them as a list. Any record that does not exist will have a None value for metadata and bins in the record tuple. The bins will be filtered as specified.

  • keys (list) – a list of Key Tuple.
  • bins (list) – the bin names to select from the matching records.
  • policy (dict) – optional Batch Policies.

a list of Record Tuple.

See also

More information about the Batch Index interface new to Aerospike server >= 3.6.0.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    # assume the fourth key has no matching record
    keys = [
      ('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'ev\xb4\x88\x8c\xcf\x92\x9c \x0bo\xbd\x90\xd0\x9d\xf3\xf6\xd1\x0c\xf3'),
      ('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'n\xcd7p\x88\xdcF\xe1\xd6\x0e\x05\xfb\xcbs\xa68I\xf0T\xfd'),
      ('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'\x9f\xf2\xe3\xf3\xc0\xc1\xc3q\xb5$n\xf8\xccV\xa9\xed\xd91a\x86'),
      ('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'\x8eu\x19\xbe\xe0(\xda ^\xfa\x8ca\x93s\xe8\xb3%\xa8]\x8b')
    records = client.select_many(keys, [u'name'])
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))


We expect to see something like:

  (('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'ev\xb4\x88\x8c\xcf\x92\x9c \x0bo\xbd\x90\xd0\x9d\xf3\xf6\xd1\x0c\xf3'), {'gen': 1, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'name': u'Name1'}),
  (('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'n\xcd7p\x88\xdcF\xe1\xd6\x0e\x05\xfb\xcbs\xa68I\xf0T\xfd'), {'gen': 1, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'name': u'Name2'}),
  (('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'\x9f\xf2\xe3\xf3\xc0\xc1\xc3q\xb5$n\xf8\xccV\xa9\xed\xd91a\x86'), {'gen': 1, 'ttl': 2592000}, {'name': u'Name3'}),
  (('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'\x8eu\x19\xbe\xe0(\xda ^\xfa\x8ca\x93s\xe8\xb3%\xa8]\x8b'), None, None)


The return type changed to list starting with version 1.0.50.

String Operations

class aerospike.Client


Please see aerospike_helpers.operations.operations for the new way to use string operations.

append(key, bin, val[, meta[, policy]])

Append the string val to the string value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • val (str) – the string to append to the value of bin.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    client.append(key, 'name', ' jr.', policy={'total_timeout': 1200})
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
prepend(key, bin, val[, meta[, policy]])

Prepend the string value in bin with the string val.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • val (str) – the string to prepend to the value of bin.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    client.prepend(key, 'name', 'Dr. ', policy={'total_timeout': 1200})
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

Numeric Operations

class aerospike.Client


Please see aerospike_helpers.operations.operations for the new way to use numeric operations using the operate command.

increment(key, bin, offset[, meta[, policy]])

Increment the integer value in bin by the integer val.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • offset (int or float) – the value by which to increment the value in bin.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies. Note: the exists policy option may not be: aerospike.POLICY_EXISTS_CREATE_OR_REPLACE nor aerospike.POLICY_EXISTS_REPLACE

a subclass of AerospikeError.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    client.put(('test', 'cats', 'mr. peppy'), {'breed':'persian'}, policy={'exists': aerospike.POLICY_EXISTS_CREATE_OR_REPLACE})
    (key, meta, bins) = client.get(('test', 'cats', 'mr. peppy'))
    print("Before:", bins, "\n")
    client.increment(key, 'lives', -1)
    (key, meta, bins) = client.get(key)
    print("After:", bins, "\n")
    client.increment(key, 'lives', -1)
    (key, meta, bins) = client.get(key)
    print("Poor Kitty:", bins, "\n")
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

List Operations

class aerospike.Client


Please see aerospike_helpers.operations.list_operations for the new way to use list operations.


List operations require server version >= 3.7.0

List operations support negative indexing. If the index is negative, the resolved index starts backwards from end of list.

Index examples:
  • 0: first element in the list
  • 4: fifth element in the list
  • -1: last element in the list
Index range examples:
  • 1, count 2: second and third elements in the list
  • -3, count 3: last three elements in the list

If an index is out of bounds, a parameter error will be returned. If a range is partially out of bounds, the valid part of the range will be returned.


Those values are for comparison only and will not be saved in the database.

See also

Lists (Data Types).

list_append(key, bin, val[, meta[, policy]])

Append a single element to a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • valint, str, float, bytearray, list, dict. An unsupported type will be serialized.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_extend(key, bin, items[, meta[, policy]])

Extend the list value in bin with the given items.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • items (list) – the items to append the list in bin.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_insert(key, bin, index, val[, meta[, policy]])

Insert an element at the specified index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the position in the index where the value should be inserted.
  • valint, str, float, bytearray, list, dict. An unsupported type will be serialized.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_insert_items(key, bin, index, items[, meta[, policy]])

Insert the items at the specified index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the position in the index where the items should be inserted.
  • items (list) – the items to insert into the list in bin.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_pop(key, bin, index[, meta[, policy]]) → val

Remove and get back a list element at a given index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the index position in the list element which should be removed and returned.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a single list element.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_pop_range(key, bin, index, count[, meta[, policy]]) → val

Remove and get back list elements at a given index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the index of first element in a range which should be removed and returned.
  • count (int) – the number of elements in the range.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a list of elements.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_remove(key, bin, index[, meta[, policy]])

Remove a list element at a given index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the index position in the list element which should be removed.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_remove_range(key, bin, index, count[, meta[, policy]])

Remove list elements at a given index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the index of first element in a range which should be removed.
  • count (int) – the number of elements in the range.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_clear(key, bin[, meta[, policy]])

Remove all the elements from a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_set(key, bin, index, val[, meta[, policy]])

Set list element val at the specified index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the position in the index where the value should be set.
  • valint, str, float, bytearray, list, dict. An unsupported type will be serialized.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

list_get(key, bin, index[, meta[, policy]]) → val

Get the list element at the specified index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the position in the index where the value should be set.
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


the list elements at the given index.

list_get_range(key, bin, index, count[, meta[, policy]]) → val

Get the list of count elements starting at a specified index of a list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the position in the index where the value should be set.
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


a list of elements.

list_trim(key, bin, index, count[, meta[, policy]]) → val

Remove elements from the list which are not within the range starting at the given index plus count.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • index (int) – the position in the index marking the start of the range.
  • index – the index position of the first element in a range which should not be removed.
  • count (int) – the number of elements in the range.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


a list of elements.

list_size(key, bin[, meta[, policy]]) → count

Count the number of elements in the list value in bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


a int.

Map Operations

class aerospike.Client


Please see aerospike_helpers.operations.map_operations for the new way to use map operations.


Map operations require server version >= 3.8.4

All maps maintain an index and a rank. Map supports negative indexing for index and rank.

An index in the context of the map API is the order of a particular key in a map. The key with the lowest key value has index 0.

A rank is the order of a particular value in a map. If multiple copies of a value exist, the ranks of those copies are based on their key ordering.

Index examples:
  • 0: lowest key in the map
  • 4: fifth key in the map
  • -1: highest key in the map
Index range examples:
  • 1, count 2: second and third keys in the map
  • -3, count 3: highest three keys in the map
Rank examples:
  • 0: element with the lowest value rank in the map
  • -1: element with the highest ranked value in the map
Rank range examples:
  • 1, count 2: second and third lowest ranked elements in the map
  • -3, count 3: top three ranked elements in the map.

The default map order is aerospike.MAP_UNORDERED.


Those values are for comparison only and will not be saved in the database.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as e

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)]}
    client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
except e.ClientError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

key = ('test', 'demo', 'map-example')
abc = {}
for i in xrange(1, 10, 1):
    abc[chr(64 + i)] = i
for i in xrange(11, 26, 1):
    abc[chr(64 + i)] = i

    if client.exists(key):
    map_policy = {
        'map_write_mode': aerospike.MAP_UPDATE,
        'map_order': aerospike.MAP_KEY_VALUE_ORDERED
    client.map_put_items(key, 'abc', abc, map_policy)
    client.map_put(key, 'abc', 'J', 10, map_policy)
    print(client.map_get_by_key_range(key, 'abc', 'A', 'D', aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE))
    client.map_put(key, 'abc', 'Z', 26, map_policy)
    print(client.map_get_by_index_range(key, 'abc', -3, 3, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE))
    print(client.map_get_by_rank_range(key, 'abc', 0, 10, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY))

    print("\nRound 2")
    more = {'AA': 100, 'BB': 200, 'ZZ': 2600}
    client.map_put_items(key, 'abc', more, map_policy)
    print(client.map_get_by_key_range(key, 'abc', 'A', 'D', aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE))
    print(client.map_get_by_index_range(key, 'abc', -3, 3, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_VALUE))
    print(client.map_get_by_rank_range(key, 'abc', 0, 10, aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY))
except e.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))



We expect to see

[('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 3)]
[24, 25, 26]
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

Round 2
[('A', 1), ('AA', 100), ('B', 2), ('BB', 200), ('C', 3)]
[25, 26, 2600]
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

See also

Maps (Data Types).

map_set_policy(key, bin, map_policy)

Set the map policy for the given bin.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

map_put(key, bin, map_key, val[, map_policy[, meta[, policy]]])

Add the given map_key/val pair to the map at key and bin.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

map_put_items(key, bin, items[, map_policy[, meta[, policy]]])

Add the given items dict of key/value pairs to the map at key and bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • items (dict) – key/value pairs.
  • map_policy (dict) – optional Map Policies.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

map_increment(key, bin, map_key, incr[, map_policy[, meta[, policy]]])

Increment the value of a numeric map element by incr. Element is specified by key, bin and map_key.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

map_decrement(key, bin, map_key, decr[, map_policy[, meta[, policy]]])

Decrement the value of a numeric map element by decr. Element is specified by key, bin and map_key.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

map_size(key, bin[, meta[, policy]]) → count

Return the size of the map at key and bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


a int.

map_clear(key, bin[, meta[, policy]])

Remove all elements from the map at key and bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

map_remove_by_key(key, bin, map_key, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return a map element specified by key, bin and map_key.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_key_list(key, bin, list, return_type[, meta[, policy]][, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin and list of keys.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • listlist the list of keys to match
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_key_range(key, bin, map_key, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin and identified by a key range [map_key inclusive, range exclusive).


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_value(key, bin, val, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin and val.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_value_list(key, bin, list, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin and list of values.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • listlist the list of values to match
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_value_range(key, bin, val, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin and value range [val inclusive, range exclusive).


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_index(key, bin, index, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin and index.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • indexint the index position of the map element
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_index_range(key, bin, index, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin starting at index position and removing range number of elements.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • indexint the index position of the first map element to remove
  • rangeint the number of items to remove from the map
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_rank(key, bin, rank, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin and rank.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • rankint the rank of the value of the element in the map
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_remove_by_rank_range(key, bin, rank, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Remove and return map elements specified by key, bin with starting rank and removing range number of elements.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • rankint the rank of the value of the first map element to remove
  • rangeint the number of items to remove from the map
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_key(key, bin, map_key, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return map element specified by key, bin and map_key.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_key_range(key, bin, map_key, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return map elements specified by key, bin and key range [map_key inclusive, range exclusive).


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_key_list(key, bin, key_list, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return map elements specified by key, bin and key_list.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • key_listlist A list of map keys to fetch entries for
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter


Requires server version >=

New in version 3.2.0.

map_get_by_value(key, bin, val, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return map elements specified by key, bin and val.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_value_range(key, bin, val, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return map elements specified by key, bin and value range [val inclusive, range exclusive).


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_value_list(key, bin, value_list, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return map elements specified by key, bin and value_list.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • value_listlist A list of map values specifying the entries to be retrieved.
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter


Requires server version >=

New in version 3.2.0.

map_get_by_index(key, bin, index, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return the map element specified by key, bin and index position.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_index_range(key, bin, index, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return a range number of elements from the map at key and bin, starting at the given index.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • indexint the starting index for the range
  • rangeint number of elements in the range
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_rank(key, bin, rank, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return the map element specified by key, bin and rank.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

map_get_by_rank_range(key, bin, rank, range, return_type[, meta[, policy]])

Return map elements specified by key, bin with starting rank and range number of elements.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple tuple associated with the record.
  • bin (str) – the name of the bin.
  • rankint the rank of the value of the first map element to remove
  • rangeint the number of items to remove from the map
  • return_typeint Map Return Types
  • meta (dict) – unused for this operation
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


depends on return_type parameter

Multi-Ops (Operate)

class aerospike.Client
operate(key, list[, meta[, policy]]) -> (key, meta, bins)

Perform multiple bin operations on a record with a given key, In Aerospike server versions prior to 3.6.0, non-existent bins being read will have a None value. Starting with 3.6.0 non-existent bins will not be present in the returned Record Tuple. The returned record tuple will only contain one element per bin, even if multiple operations were performed on the bin.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple associated with the record.
  • list (list) – a list of one or more bin operations, each structured as the dict {'bin': bin name, 'op': aerospike.OPERATOR_* [, 'val': value]}. See aerospike_helpers.operations package.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a Record Tuple. See Unicode Handling.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


Version >= 3.10.0 Supports predicate expressions for Multi-Ops see predexp. Requires server version >= 4.7.0.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import predexp
from aerospike_helpers.operations import list_operations, operations
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = {"hosts": [("", 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    unique_id = 1
    key = ("test", "demo", unique_id)
    client.put(key, {"name": "John", "charges": [10, 20, 14]})

    ops = [list_operations.list_append("charges", 25)]

    preds = [  # check that the record has value 'Kim' in bin 'name'

    # Because the record's name bin is 'John' and not 'Kim',
    # client.operate() will fail with AEROSPIKE_FILTERED_OUT and the
    # operations will not be applied.
        client.operate(key, ops, policy={"predexp": preds})
    except ex.FilteredOut as e:
        print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

    record = client.get(key)

    # This client.operate() will succeed because the name bin is 'John'.
    preds = [  # check that the record has value 'John' in bin 'name'

    client.operate(key, ops, policy={"predexp": preds})

    record = client.get(key)

except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
# (('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'\xb7\xf4\xb88\x89\xe2\xdag\xdeh>\x1d\xf6\x91\x9a\x1e\xac\xc4F\xc8')), {'ttl': 2592000, 'gen': 23}, {'number': 1, 'name': 'John', 'charges': [10, 20, 14]})
# (('test', 'demo', None, bytearray(b'\xb7\xf4\xb88\x89\xe2\xdag\xdeh>\x1d\xf6\x91\x9a\x1e\xac\xc4F\xc8')), {'ttl': 2592000, 'gen': 24}, {'number': 1, 'name': 'John', 'charges': [10, 20, 14, 25]})


In version 2.1.3 the return format of certain bin entries for this method, only in cases when a map operation specifying a `return_type` is used, has changed. Bin entries for map operations using “return_type” of aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE will now return a bin value of a list of keys and corresponding values, rather than a list of key/value tuples. See the following code block for details.

# pre 2.1.3 formatting of key/value bin value
[('key1', 'val1'), ('key2', 'val2'), ('key3', 'val3')]

# >= 2.1.3 formatting
['key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2', 'key3', 'val3']


operate() can now have multiple write operations on a single bin.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike_helpers.operations import operations as op_helpers
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    client.put(key, {'age': 25, 'career': 'delivery boy'})
    ops = [
    op_helpers.increment("age", 1000),
    op_helpers.write("name", "J."),
    op_helpers.prepend("name", "Phillip "),
    op_helpers.append("name", " Fry"),"name"),"career"),"age")
    (key, meta, bins) = client.operate(key, ops, {'ttl':360}, {'total_timeout':500})

    print(bins) # will display all bins selected by OPERATOR_READ operations
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))


OPERATOR_TOUCH should only ever combine with OPERATOR_READ, for example to implement LRU expiry on the records of a set.


Having val associated with OPERATOR_TOUCH is deprecated. Use the meta ttl field instead.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    ops = [
          "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_TOUCH,
          "op" : aerospike.OPERATOR_READ,
          "bin": "name"
    (key, meta, bins) = client.operate(key, ops, {'ttl':1800})
    print("Touched the record for {0}, extending its ttl by 30m".format(bins))
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

Changed in version 2.1.3.

operate_ordered(key, list[, meta[, policy]]) -> (key, meta, bins)

Perform multiple bin operations on a record with the results being returned as a list of (bin-name, result) tuples. The order of the elements in the list will correspond to the order of the operations from the input parameters.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple associated with the record.
  • list (list) – a list of one or more bin operations, each structured as the dict {'bin': bin name, 'op': aerospike.OPERATOR_* [, 'val': value]}. See aerospike_helpers.operations package.
  • meta (dict) – optional record metadata to be set, with field 'ttl' set to int number of seconds or one of the TTL Constants, and 'gen' set to int generation number to compare.
  • policy (dict) – optional Operate Policies.

a Record Tuple. See Unicode Handling.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


In version 2.1.3 the return format of bin entries for this method, only in cases when a map operation specifying a `return_type` is used, has changed. Map operations using “return_type” of aerospike.MAP_RETURN_KEY_VALUE will now return a bin value of a list of keys and corresponding values, rather than a list of key/value tuples. See the following code block for details. In addition, some operations which did not return a value in versions <= 2.1.2 will now return a response.

# pre 2.1.3 formatting of key/value bin value
[('key1', 'val1'), ('key2', 'val2'), ('key3', 'val3')]

# >= 2.1.3 formatting
['key1', 'val1', 'key2', 'val2', 'key3', 'val3']
from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
from aerospike_helpers.operations import operations as op_helpers
import sys

config = { 'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

    key = ('test', 'demo', 1)
    policy = {
        'total_timeout': 1000,
        'key': aerospike.POLICY_KEY_SEND,
        'commit_level': aerospike.POLICY_COMMIT_LEVEL_MASTER

    llist = [
        op_helpers.append("name", "aa"),"name"),
        op_helpers.increment("age", 3),"age")

    client.operate_ordered(key, llist, {}, policy)
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

Changed in version 2.1.3.

Scan and Query

class aerospike.Client
scan(namespace[, set]) → Scan

Return a aerospike.Scan object to be used for executing scans over a specified set (which can be omitted or None) in a namespace. A scan with a None set returns all the records in the namespace.

  • namespace (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – optional specified set name, otherwise the entire namespace will be scanned.

an aerospike.Scan class.

query(namespace[, set]) → Query

Return a aerospike.Query object to be used for executing queries over a specified set (which can be omitted or None) in a namespace. A query with a None set returns records which are not in any named set. This is different than the meaning of a None set in a scan.

  • namespace (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – optional specified set name, otherwise the records which are not part of any set will be queried (Note: this is different from not providing the set in scan()).

an aerospike.Query class.

User Defined Functions

class aerospike.Client
udf_put(filename[, udf_type=aerospike.UDF_TYPE_LUA[, policy]])

Register a UDF module with the cluster.

  • filename (str) – the path to the UDF module to be registered with the cluster.
  • udf_type (int) – aerospike.UDF_TYPE_LUA.
  • policy (dict) – currently timeout in milliseconds is the available policy.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


Register the UDF module and copy it to the Lua ‘user_path’, a directory that should contain a copy of the modules registered with the cluster.

config = {
    'hosts': [ ('', 3000)],
    'lua': { 'user_path': '/path/to/lua/user_path'}}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
udf_remove(module[, policy])

Remove a previously registered UDF module from the cluster.

  • module (str) – the UDF module to be deregistered from the cluster.
  • policy (dict) – currently timeout in milliseconds is the available policy.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

udf_list([policy]) → []

Return the list of UDF modules registered with the cluster.

Parameters:policy (dict) – currently timeout in milliseconds is the available policy.
Return type:list
Raises:a subclass of AerospikeError.
from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()


We expect to see something like:

[{'content': bytearray(b''),
  'hash': bytearray(b'195e39ceb51c110950bd'),
  'name': 'my_udf1.lua',
  'type': 0},
 {'content': bytearray(b''),
  'hash': bytearray(b'8a2528e8475271877b3b'),
  'name': 'stream_udf.lua',
  'type': 0},
 {'content': bytearray(b''),
  'hash': bytearray(b'362ea79c8b64857701c2'),
  'name': 'aggregate_udf.lua',
  'type': 0},
 {'content': bytearray(b''),
  'hash': bytearray(b'635f47081431379baa4b'),
  'name': 'module.lua',
  'type': 0}]
udf_get(module[, language=aerospike.UDF_TYPE_LUA[, policy]]) → str

Return the content of a UDF module which is registered with the cluster.

  • module (str) – the UDF module to read from the cluster.
  • udf_type (int) – aerospike.UDF_TYPE_LUA
  • policy (dict) – currently timeout in milliseconds is the available policy.
Return type:



a subclass of AerospikeError.

apply(key, module, function, args[, policy])

Apply a registered (see udf_put()) record UDF to a particular record.

  • key (tuple) – a Key Tuple associated with the record.
  • module (str) – the name of the UDF module.
  • function (str) – the name of the UDF to apply to the record identified by key.
  • args (list) – the arguments to the UDF.
  • policy (dict) – optional Apply Policies.

the value optionally returned by the UDF, one of str,int, float, bytearray, list, dict.


a subclass of AerospikeError.


Version >= 3.10.0 Supports predicate expressions for apply, scan_apply, and query_apply see predexp. Requires server version 4.7.0.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import predexp
from aerospike import exception as ex
import sys

config = {"hosts": [("", 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

# register udf
except ex.FilteredOut as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

# put records and apply udf
    keys = [("test", "demo", 1), ("test", "demo", 2), ("test", "demo", 3)]
    records = [{"number": 1}, {"number": 2}, {"number": 3}]
    for i in range(3):
        client.put(keys[i], records[i])

    preds = [  # check that the record has value < 2 or == 3 in bin 'name'

    policy = {"predexp": preds}

    client.scan_apply("test", None, "my_udf", "my_udf", ["number", 10], policy)
    records = client.get_many(keys)

except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
# the udf has only modified the records that matched the preds
# [
#   (('test', 'demo', 1, bytearray(b'\xb7\xf4\xb88\x89\xe2\xdag\xdeh>\x1d\xf6\x91\x9a\x1e\xac\xc4F\xc8')), {'gen': 2, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 11}),
#   (('test', 'demo', 2, bytearray(b'\xaejQ_7\xdeJ\xda\xccD\x96\xe2\xda\x1f\xea\x84\x8c:\x92p')), {'gen': 12, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 2}),
#   (('test', 'demo', 3, bytearray(b'\xb1\xa5`g\xf6\xd4\xa8\xa4D9\xd3\xafb\xbf\xf8ha\x01\x94\xcd')), {'gen': 13, 'ttl': 2591999}, {'number': 13})
# ]
# contents of my_udf.lua
function my_udf(rec, bin, offset)
    info("my transform: %s", tostring(record.digest(rec)))
    rec[bin] = rec[bin] + offset
scan_apply(ns, set, module, function[, args[, policy[, options]]]) → int

Initiate a scan and apply a record UDF to each record matched by the scan. This method blocks until the scan is complete.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name. Should be None if the entire namespace is to be scanned.
  • module (str) – the name of the UDF module.
  • function (str) – the name of the UDF to apply to the records matched by the scan.
  • args (list) – the arguments to the UDF.
  • policy (dict) – optional Scan Policies.
  • options (dict) – the Scan Options that will apply to the scan.
Return type:



a job ID that can be used with job_info() to check the status of the aerospike.JOB_SCAN.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

query_apply(ns, set, predicate, module, function[, args[, policy]]) → int

Initiate a query and apply a record UDF to each record matched by the query. This method blocks until the query is completed.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name. Should be None if you want to query records in the ns which are in no set.
  • predicate (tuple) – the tuple() produced by one of the aerospike.predicates methods.
  • module (str) – the name of the UDF module.
  • function (str) – the name of the UDF to apply to the records matched by the query.
  • args (list) – the arguments to the UDF.
  • policy (dict) – optional Write Policies.
Return type:



a job ID that can be used with job_info() to check the status of the aerospike.JOB_QUERY.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

job_info(job_id, module[, policy]) → dict

Return the status of a job running in the background.


a dict with keys status, records_read, and progress_pct. The value of status is one of Job Statuses.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import time

config = {'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
    # run the UDF 'add_val' in Lua module 'simple' on the records of test.demo
    job_id = client.scan_apply('test', 'demo', 'simple', 'add_val', ['age', 1])
    while True:
        response = client.job_info(job_id, aerospike.JOB_SCAN)
        if response['status'] == aerospike.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED:
    print("Job ", str(job_id), " completed")
    print("Progress percentage : ", response['progress_pct'])
    print("Number of scanned records : ", response['records_read'])
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))
scan_info(scan_id) → dict

Return the status of a scan running in the background.

Parameters:scan_id (int) – the scan ID returned by scan_apply().
Returns:a dict with keys status, records_scanned, and progress_pct. The value of status is one of Job Statuses.
Raises:a subclass of AerospikeError.

Deprecated since version 1.0.50: Use job_info() instead.

from __future__ import print_function
import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex

config = {'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()
    scan_id = client.scan_apply('test', 'demo', 'simple', 'add_val', ['age', 1])
    while True:
        response = client.scan_info(scan_id)
        if response['status'] == aerospike.SCAN_STATUS_COMPLETED or \
           response['status'] == aerospike.SCAN_STATUS_ABORTED:
    if response['status'] == aerospike.SCAN_STATUS_COMPLETED:
        print("Background scan successful")
        print("Progress percentage : ", response['progress_pct'])
        print("Number of scanned records : ", response['records_scanned'])
        print("Background scan status : ", "SCAN_STATUS_COMPLETED")
        print("Scan_apply failed")
except ex.AerospikeError as e:
    print("Error: {0} [{1}]".format(e.msg, e.code))

Info Operations

class aerospike.Client
get_nodes() → []

Return the list of hosts present in a connected cluster.

Returns:a list of node address tuples.
Raises:a subclass of AerospikeError.
import aerospike

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

nodes = client.get_nodes()


We expect to see something like:

[('', 3000), ('', 3010)]

Changed in version 3.0.0.


In versions < 3.0.0 get_nodes will not work when using TLS

info(command[, hosts[, policy]]) → {}

Deprecated since version 3.0.0: Use info_node() to send a request to a single node, or info_all() to send a request to the entire cluster. Sending requests to specific nodes can be better handled with a simple Python function such as:

def info_to_host_list(client, request, hosts, policy=None):
    output = {}
    for host in hosts:
            response = client.info_node(request, host, policy)
            output[host] = response
        except Exception as e:
            #  Handle the error gracefully here
            output[host] = e
    return output

Send an info command to all nodes in the cluster and filter responses to only include nodes specified in a hosts list.

  • command (str) – the info command.
  • hosts (list) – a list containing an address, port tuple(). Example: [('', 3000)]
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.
Return type:



a subclass of AerospikeError.

import aerospike

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

response =


We expect to see something like:

{'BB9581F41290C00': (None, '\n'), 'BC3581F41290C00': (None, '\n')}

Changed in version 3.0.0.

info_all(command[, policy]]) → {}

Send an info command to all nodes in the cluster to which the client is connected. If any of the individual requests fail, this will raise an exception.

Return type:



a subclass of AerospikeError.

import aerospike

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect()

response = client.info_all(command)


We expect to see something like:

{'BB9581F41290C00': (None, '\n'), 'BC3581F41290C00': (None, '\n')}

New in version 3.0.0.

info_node(command, host[, policy]) → str

Send an info command to a single node specified by host.

  • command (str) – the info command.
  • host (tuple) – a tuple() containing an address, port , optional tls-name . Example: ('', 3000) or when using TLS ('', 4333, 'server-tls-name'). In order to send an info request when TLS is enabled, the tls-name must be present.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.
Return type:



a subclass of AerospikeError.

Changed in version 3.0.0.


for client versions < 3.0.0 info_node will not work when using TLS

has_geo() → bool

Check whether the connected cluster supports geospatial data and indexes.

Return type:bool
Raises:a subclass of AerospikeError.
shm_key() → int

Expose the value of the shm_key for this client if shared-memory cluster tending is enabled,

Return type:int or None
truncate(namespace, set, nanos[, policy])

Remove records in specified namespace/set efficiently. This method is many orders of magnitude faster than deleting records one at a time. See Truncate command reference.


Requires Aerospike Server versions >= 3.12

This asynchronous server call may return before the truncation is complete. The user can still write new records after the server returns because new records will have last update times greater than the truncate cutoff (set at the time of truncate call)

  • namespace (str) – The namespace on which the truncation operation should be performed.
  • set (str) – The set to truncate. Pass in None to indicate that all records in the namespace should be truncated.
  • nanos (long) – A cutoff threshold indicating that records last updated before the threshold will be removed.Units are in nanoseconds since unix epoch (1970-01-01). A value of 0 indicates that all records in the set should be truncated regardless of update time. The value must not be in the future.
  • policy (dict) – Optional Info Policies
Return type:

Status indicating the success of the operation.


a subclass of AerospikeError.

import aerospike
import time

client = aerospike.client({'hosts': [('localhost', 3000)]}).connect()

# Store 10 items in the database
for i in range(10):
    key = ('test', 'truncate', i)
    record = {'item': i}
    client.put(key, record)

current_time = time.time()
# Convert the current time to nanoseconds since epoch
threshold_ns = int(current_time * 10 ** 9)

time.sleep(2)  # Make sure some time passes before next round of additions

# Store another 10 items into the database
for i in range(10, 20):
    key = ('test', 'truncate', i)
    record = {'item': i}
    client.put(key, record)

# Store a record in the 'test' namespace without a set
key = ('test', None, 'no set')
record = ({'item': 'no set'})
client.put(key, record)

# Remove all items created before the threshold time
# The first 10 records we added will be removed by this call.
# The second 10 will remain.
client.truncate('test', 'truncate', threshold_ns)

# Remove all records from test/truncate.
# After this the record with key ('test', None, 'no set') still exists
client.truncate('test', 'truncate', 0)

# Remove all records from the test namespace
client.truncate('test', None, 0)


Index Operations

class aerospike.Client
index_string_create(ns, set, bin, index_name[, policy])

Create a string index with index_name on the bin in the specified ns, set.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • bin (str) – the name of bin the secondary index is built on.
  • index_name (str) – the name of the index.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

index_integer_create(ns, set, bin, index_name[, policy])

Create an integer index with index_name on the bin in the specified ns, set.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • bin (str) – the name of bin the secondary index is built on.
  • index_name (str) – the name of the index.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

index_list_create(ns, set, bin, index_datatype, index_name[, policy])

Create an index named index_name for numeric, string or GeoJSON values (as defined by index_datatype) on records of the specified ns, set whose bin is a list.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • bin (str) – the name of bin the secondary index is built on.
  • index_datatype – Possible values are aerospike.INDEX_STRING, aerospike.INDEX_NUMERIC and aerospike.INDEX_GEO2DSPHERE.
  • index_name (str) – the name of the index.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


Requires server version >= 3.8.0

index_map_keys_create(ns, set, bin, index_datatype, index_name[, policy])

Create an index named index_name for numeric, string or GeoJSON values (as defined by index_datatype) on records of the specified ns, set whose bin is a map. The index will include the keys of the map.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • bin (str) – the name of bin the secondary index is built on.
  • index_datatype – Possible values are aerospike.INDEX_STRING, aerospike.INDEX_NUMERIC and aerospike.INDEX_GEO2DSPHERE.
  • index_name (str) – the name of the index.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


Requires server version >= 3.8.0

index_map_values_create(ns, set, bin, index_datatype, index_name[, policy])

Create an index named index_name for numeric, string or GeoJSON values (as defined by index_datatype) on records of the specified ns, set whose bin is a map. The index will include the values of the map.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • bin (str) – the name of bin the secondary index is built on.
  • index_datatype – Possible values are aerospike.INDEX_STRING, aerospike.INDEX_NUMERIC and aerospike.INDEX_GEO2DSPHERE.
  • index_name (str) – the name of the index.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


Requires server version >= 3.8.0

import aerospike

client = aerospike.client({ 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}).connect()

# assume the bin fav_movies in the set test.demo bin should contain
# a dict { (str) _title_ : (int) _times_viewed_ }
# create a secondary index for string values of test.demo records whose 'fav_movies' bin is a map
client.index_map_keys_create('test', 'demo', 'fav_movies', aerospike.INDEX_STRING, 'demo_fav_movies_titles_idx')
# create a secondary index for integer values of test.demo records whose 'fav_movies' bin is a map
client.index_map_values_create('test', 'demo', 'fav_movies', aerospike.INDEX_NUMERIC, 'demo_fav_movies_views_idx')
index_geo2dsphere_create(ns, set, bin, index_name[, policy])

Create a geospatial 2D spherical index with index_name on the bin in the specified ns, set.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • set (str) – the set name.
  • bin (str) – the name of bin the secondary index is built on.
  • index_name (str) – the name of the index.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.


Requires server version >= 3.7.0

import aerospike

client = aerospike.client({ 'hosts': [ ('', 3000)]}).connect()
client.index_geo2dsphere_create('test', 'pads', 'loc', 'pads_loc_geo')
index_remove(ns, index_name[, policy])

Remove the index with index_name from the namespace.

  • ns (str) – the namespace in the aerospike cluster.
  • index_name (str) – the name of the index.
  • policy (dict) – optional Info Policies.

a subclass of AerospikeError.

Admin Operations

class aerospike.Client


The admin methods implement the security features of the Enterprise Edition of Aerospike. These methods will raise a SecurityNotSupported when the client is connected to a Community Edition cluster (see aerospike.exception).

A user is validated by the client against the server whenever a connection is established through the use of a username and password (passwords hashed using bcrypt). When security is enabled, each operation is validated against the user’s roles. Users are assigned roles, which are collections of Privilege Objects.

import aerospike
from aerospike import exception as ex
import time

config = {'hosts': [('', 3000)] }
client = aerospike.client(config).connect('ipji', 'life is good')

    dev_privileges = [{'code': aerospike.PRIV_READ}, {'code': aerospike.PRIV_READ_WRITE}]
    client.admin_create_role('dev_role', dev_privileges)
    client.admin_grant_privileges('dev_role', [{'code': aerospike.PRIV_READ_WRITE_UDF}])
    client.admin_create_user('dev', 'you young whatchacallit... idiot', ['dev_role'])
except ex.AdminError as e:
    print("Error [{0}]: {1}".format(e.code, e.msg))
admin_create_role(role, privileges[, policy])

Create a custom, named role containing a list of privileges.


one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_drop_role(role[, policy])

Drop a custom role.


one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_grant_privileges(role, privileges[, policy])

Add privileges to a role.


one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_revoke_privileges(role, privileges[, policy])

Remove privileges from a role.


one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_query_role(role[, policy]) → []

Get the list of privileges associated with a role.


a list of Privilege Objects.


one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_query_roles([policy]) → {}

Get all named roles and their privileges.

Parameters:policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.
Returns:a dict of Privilege Objects keyed by role name.
Raises:one of the AdminError subclasses.
admin_create_user(username, password, roles[, policy])

Create a user with a specified username and grant it roles.

  • username (str) – the username to be added to the aerospike cluster.
  • password (str) – the password associated with the given username.
  • roles (list) – the list of role names assigned to the user.
  • policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.

one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_drop_user(username[, policy])

Drop the user with a specified username from the cluster.

  • username (str) – the username to be dropped from the aerospike cluster.
  • policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.

one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_change_password(username, password[, policy])

Change the password of the user username. This operation can only be performed by that same user.

  • username (str) – the username.
  • password (str) – the password associated with the given username.
  • policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.

one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_set_password(username, password[, policy])

Set the password of the user username by a user administrator.

  • username (str) – the username to be added to the aerospike cluster.
  • password (str) – the password associated with the given username.
  • policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.

one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_grant_roles(username, roles[, policy])

Add roles to the user username.

  • username (str) – the username to be granted the roles.
  • roles (list) – a list of role names.
  • policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.

one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_revoke_roles(username, roles[, policy])

Remove roles from the user username.

  • username (str) – the username to have the roles revoked.
  • roles (list) – a list of role names.
  • policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.

one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_query_user(username[, policy]) → []

Return the list of roles granted to the specified user username.


a list of role names.


one of the AdminError subclasses.

admin_query_users([policy]) → {}

Return the dict of users, with their roles keyed by username.

Parameters:policy (dict) – optional Admin Policies.
Returns:a dict of roles keyed by username.
Raises:one of the AdminError subclasses.


Write Policies


A dict of optional write policies, which are applicable to put(), query_apply(). remove_bin().

  • max_retries (int)
    Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.

    If max_retries is exceeded, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT.

    Default: 0


    Database writes that are not idempotent (such as “add”) should not be retried because the write operation may be performed multiple times if the client timed out previous transaction attempts. It’s important to use a distinct write policy for non-idempotent writes, which sets max_retries = 0;

  • sleep_between_retries (int)
    Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter 0 to skip sleep.

    Default: 0
  • socket_timeout (int)
    Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.

    If socket_timeout is not 0 and the socket has been idle for at least socket_timeout, both max_retries and total_timeout are checked. If max_retries and total_timeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.

    If both socket_timeout and total_timeout are non-zero and socket_timeout > total_timeout, then socket_timeout will be set to total_timeout. If socket_timeout is 0, there will be no socket idle limit.

    Default: 0
  • total_timeout (int)
    Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.

    The total_timeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.

    If total_timeout is not 0 and total_timeout is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT. If total_timeout is 0, there will be no total time limit.

    Default: 1000
  • compress (bool)
    Compress client requests and server responses.

    Use zlib compression on write or batch read commands when the command buffer size is greater than 128 bytes. In addition, tell the server to compress it’s response on read commands. The server response compression threshold is also 128 bytes.

    This option will increase cpu and memory usage (for extra compressed buffers), but decrease the size of data sent over the network.

    Default: False
  • key
  • exists
  • gen
  • commit_level
  • durable_delete (bool)
    Perform durable delete

    Default: False


    Requires Enterprise server version >= 3.10

  • predexp list
    A list of aerospike.predexp used as a predicate filter for record, bin, batch, and record UDF operations.

    Default: None

Read Policies


A dict of optional read policies, which are applicable to get(), exists(), select().

  • max_retries (int)
    Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.

    If max_retries is exceeded, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT.

    Default: 2
  • sleep_between_retries (int)
    Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter 0 to skip sleep.

    Default: 0
  • socket_timeout (int)
    Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.

    If socket_timeout is not 0 and the socket has been idle for at least socket_timeout, both max_retries and total_timeout are checked. If max_retries and total_timeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.

    If both socket_timeout and total_timeout are non-zero and socket_timeout > total_timeout, then socket_timeout will be set to total_timeout. If socket_timeout is 0, there will be no socket idle limit.

    Default: 0
  • total_timeout (int)
    Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.

    The total_timeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.

    If total_timeout is not 0 and total_timeout is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT. If total_timeout is 0, there will be no total time limit.

    Default: 1000
  • compress (bool)
    Compress client requests and server responses.

    Use zlib compression on write or batch read commands when the command buffer size is greater than 128 bytes. In addition, tell the server to compress it’s response on read commands. The server response compression threshold is also 128 bytes.

    This option will increase cpu and memory usage (for extra compressed buffers), but decrease the size of data sent over the network.

    Default: False
  • deserialize (bool)
    Should raw bytes representing a list or map be deserialized to a list or dictionary.
    Set to False for backup programs that just need access to raw bytes.
    Default: True
  • key
  • read_mode_ap
    One of the AP Read Mode Policy Options values such as aerospike.AS_POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ONE

    Default: aerospike.AS_POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ONE

    New in version 3.7.0.

  • read_mode_sc

    New in version 3.7.0.

  • replica

    Default: aerospike.POLICY_REPLICA_SEQUENCE
  • predexp list
    A list of aerospike.predexp used as a predicate filter for record, bin, batch, and record UDF operations.

    Default: None

Operate Policies


A dict of optional operate policies, which are applicable to append(), prepend(), increment(), operate(), and atomic list and map operations.

  • max_retries (int)
    Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.

    If max_retries is exceeded, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT.

    Default: 0


    Database writes that are not idempotent (such as “add”) should not be retried because the write operation may be performed multiple times if the client timed out previous transaction attempts. It’s important to use a distinct write policy for non-idempotent writes, which sets max_retries = 0;

  • sleep_between_retries (int)
    Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter 0 to skip sleep.

    Default: 0
  • socket_timeout (int)
    Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.

    If socket_timeout is not 0 and the socket has been idle for at least socket_timeout, both max_retries and total_timeout are checked. If max_retries and total_timeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.

    If both socket_timeout and total_timeout are non-zero and socket_timeout > total_timeout, then socket_timeout will be set to total_timeout. If socket_timeout is 0, there will be no socket idle limit.

    Default: 0
  • total_timeout (int)
    Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.

    The total_timeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.

    If total_timeout is not 0 and total_timeout is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT. If total_timeout is 0, there will be no total time limit.

    Default: 1000
  • compress (bool)
    Compress client requests and server responses.

    Use zlib compression on write or batch read commands when the command buffer size is greater than 128 bytes. In addition, tell the server to compress it’s response on read commands. The server response compression threshold is also 128 bytes.

    This option will increase cpu and memory usage (for extra compressed buffers), but decrease the size of data sent over the network.

    Default: False
  • key
  • gen
  • replica
  • commit_level
  • read_mode_ap
    One of the AP Read Mode Policy Options values such as aerospike.AS_POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ONE

    Default: aerospike.AS_POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ONE

    New in version 3.7.0.

  • read_mode_sc

    New in version 3.7.0.

  • exists
  • durable_delete (bool)
    Perform durable delete

    Default: False


    Requires Enterprise server version >= 3.10

  • predexp list
    A list of aerospike.predexp used as a predicate filter for record, bin, batch, and record UDF operations.

    Default: None

Apply Policies


A dict of optional apply policies, which are applicable to apply().

  • max_retries (int)
    Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.

    If max_retries is exceeded, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT.

    Default: 0


    Database writes that are not idempotent (such as “add”) should not be retried because the write operation may be performed multiple times if the client timed out previous transaction attempts. It’s important to use a distinct write policy for non-idempotent writes, which sets max_retries = 0;

  • sleep_between_retries (int)
    Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter 0 to skip sleep.

    Default: 0
  • socket_timeout (int)
    Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.

    If socket_timeout is not 0 and the socket has been idle for at least socket_timeout, both max_retries and total_timeout are checked. If max_retries and total_timeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.

    If both socket_timeout and total_timeout are non-zero and socket_timeout > total_timeout, then socket_timeout will be set to total_timeout. If socket_timeout is 0, there will be no socket idle limit.

    Default: 0
  • total_timeout (int)
    Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.

    The total_timeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.

    If total_timeout is not 0 and total_timeout is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT. If total_timeout is 0, there will be no total time limit.

    Default: 1000
  • compress (bool)
    Compress client requests and server responses.

    Use zlib compression on write or batch read commands when the command buffer size is greater than 128 bytes. In addition, tell the server to compress it’s response on read commands. The server response compression threshold is also 128 bytes.

    This option will increase cpu and memory usage (for extra compressed buffers), but decrease the size of data sent over the network.

    Default: False
  • key
  • replica
  • gen
  • commit_level
  • durable_delete (bool)
    Perform durable delete

    Default: False


    Requires Enterprise server version >= 3.10

  • predexp list
    A list of aerospike.predexp used as a predicate filter for record, bin, batch, and record UDF operations.

    Default: None

Remove Policies


A dict of optional remove policies, which are applicable to remove().

  • max_retries (int)
    Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.

    If max_retries is exceeded, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT.

    Default: 0


    Database writes that are not idempotent (such as “add”) should not be retried because the write operation may be performed multiple times if the client timed out previous transaction attempts. It’s important to use a distinct write policy for non-idempotent writes, which sets max_retries = 0;

  • sleep_between_retries (int)
    Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter 0 to skip sleep.
    Default: 0
  • socket_timeout (int)
    Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.

    If socket_timeout is not 0 and the socket has been idle for at least socket_timeout, both max_retries and total_timeout are checked. If max_retries and total_timeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.

    If both socket_timeout and total_timeout are non-zero and socket_timeout > total_timeout, then socket_timeout will be set to total_timeout. If socket_timeout is 0, there will be no socket idle limit.

    Default: 0
  • total_timeout (int)
    Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.

    The total_timeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.

    If total_timeout is not 0 and total_timeout is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT. If total_timeout is 0, there will be no total time limit.

    Default: 1000
  • compress (bool)
    Compress client requests and server responses.

    Use zlib compression on write or batch read commands when the command buffer size is greater than 128 bytes. In addition, tell the server to compress it’s response on read commands. The server response compression threshold is also 128 bytes.

    This option will increase cpu and memory usage (for extra compressed buffers), but decrease the size of data sent over the network.

    Default: False
  • key
  • commit_level
  • gen
  • durable_delete (bool)
    Perform durable delete

    Default: False


    Requires Enterprise server version >= 3.10

  • replica

    Default: aerospike.POLICY_REPLICA_SEQUENCE
  • predexp list
    A list of aerospike.predexp used as a predicate filter for record, bin, batch, and record UDF operations.

    Default: None

Batch Policies


A dict of optional batch policies, which are applicable to get_many(), exists_many() and select_many().

  • max_retries (int)
    Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.

    If max_retries is exceeded, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT.

    Default: 2
  • sleep_between_retries (int)
    Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter 0 to skip sleep.

    Default: 0
  • socket_timeout (int)
    Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.

    If socket_timeout is not 0 and the socket has been idle for at least socket_timeout, both max_retries and total_timeout are checked. If max_retries and total_timeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.

    If both socket_timeout and total_timeout are non-zero and socket_timeout > total_timeout, then socket_timeout will be set to total_timeout. If socket_timeout is 0, there will be no socket idle limit.

    Default: 0
  • total_timeout (int)
    Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.

    The total_timeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.

    If total_timeout is not 0 and total_timeout is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will return error AEROSPIKE_ERR_TIMEOUT. If total_timeout is 0, there will be no total time limit.

    Default: 1000
  • compress (bool)
    Compress client requests and server responses.

    Use zlib compression on write or batch read commands when the command buffer size is greater than 128 bytes. In addition, tell the server to compress it’s response on read commands. The server response compression threshold is also 128 bytes.

    This option will increase cpu and memory usage (for extra compressed buffers), but decrease the size of data sent over the network.

    Default: False
  • read_mode_ap
    One of the AP Read Mode Policy Options values such as aerospike.AS_POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ONE

    Default: aerospike.AS_POLICY_READ_MODE_AP_ONE

    New in version 3.7.0.

  • read_mode_sc

    New in version 3.7.0.

  • replica
  • concurrent (bool)
    Determine if batch commands to each server are run in parallel threads.

    Default False
  • allow_inline (bool)
    Allow batch to be processed immediately in the server’s receiving thread when the server deems it to be appropriate. If False, the batch will always be processed in separate transaction threads. This field is only relevant for the new batch index protocol.

    Default True
  • send_set_name (bool)
    Send set name field to server for every key in the batch for batch index protocol. This is only necessary when authentication is enabled and security roles are defined on a per set basis.

    Default: False
  • deserialize (bool)
    Should raw bytes be deserialized to as_list or as_map. Set to False for backup programs that just need access to raw bytes.

    Default: True
  • predexp list
    A list of aerospike.predexp used as a predicate filter for record, bin, batch, and record UDF operations.

    Default: None

Info Policies


A dict of optional info policies, which are applicable to info(), info_node() and index operations.

  • timeout (int)
    Read timeout in milliseconds

Admin Policies


A dict of optional admin policies, which are applicable to admin (security) operations.

  • timeout (int)
    Admin operation timeout in milliseconds

List Policies


A dict of optional list policies, which are applicable to list operations.


list_policy = {
    "write_flags": aerospike.LIST_WRITE_ADD_UNIQUE | aerospike.LIST_WRITE_INSERT_BOUNDED,
    "list_order": aerospike.LIST_ORDERED

Map Policies


A dict of optional map policies, which are applicable to map operations. Only one of map_write_mode or map_write_flags should be provided. map_write_mode should be used for Aerospike Server versions < 4.3.0 and map_write_flags should be used for Aerospike server versions greater than or equal to 4.3.0 .


# Server >= 4.3.0
map_policy = {
    'map_order': aerospike.MAP_UNORDERED,
    'map_write_flags': aerospike.MAP_WRITE_FLAGS_CREATE_ONLY

# Server < 4.3.0
map_policy = {
    'map_order': aerospike.MAP_UNORDERED,
    'map_write_mode': aerospike.MAP_CREATE_ONLY

Bit Policies


A dict of optional bit policies, which are applicable to bit operations.


Requires server version >= 4.6.0


bit_policy = {
    'bit_write_flags': aerospike.BIT_WRITE_UPDATE_ONLY

HyperLogLog Policies


A dict of optional HyperLogLog policies, which are applicable to bit operations.


Requires server version >= 4.9.0


HLL_policy = {
    'flags': aerospike.HLL_WRITE_UPDATE_ONLY


Privilege Objects


A dict describing a privilege associated with a specific role.

  • code one of the Privileges values such as aerospike.PRIV_READ
  • ns optional namespace, to which the privilege applies, otherwise the privilege applies globally.
  • set optional set within the ns, to which the privilege applies, otherwise to the entire namespace.


{'code': aerospike.PRIV_READ, 'ns': 'test', 'set': 'demo'}

Unicode Handling

Both str and unicode() values are converted by the client into UTF-8 encoded strings for storage on the aerospike server. Read methods such as get(), query(), scan() and operate() will return that data as UTF-8 encoded str values. To get a unicode() you will need to manually decode.


Prior to release 1.0.43 read operations always returned strings as unicode().

>>> client.put(key, { 'name': 'Dr. Zeta Alphabeta', 'age': 47})
>>> (key, meta, record) = client.get(key)
>>> type(record['name'])
<type 'str'>
>>> record['name']
'Dr. Zeta Alphabeta'
>>> client.put(key, { 'name': unichr(0x2603), 'age': 21})
>>> (key, meta, record) = client.get(key)
>>> type(record['name'])
<type 'str'>
>>> record['name']
>>> print(record['name'])

>>> name = record['name'].decode('utf-8')
>>> type(name)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> name
>>> print(name)